Miniatures Database


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So, on my Christmas wish list...

I'd love to see a pathfidner miniatures database where the customer (i.e. me) could enter the minis I own and then cross-reference them to see which modules I have all the miniatures needed to play that module. Additionally, I'd love a list of miniatures missing and miniatures that aren't yet available.

It would be a great help in getting me to prioritize my purchases :)

(note.. i'm fully aware of the work involved in this - which is why I'm asking Santa. But seriously, if the DB is put together, the community could come up with the lists for each module.)


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've looked into this a little... I think a wiki might be the best way to do this. The miniature pages could have the categories [[category:minis used in ___]] Maps could have [[category:maps used in ___]] and each adventure could have links to these categories on them.

There is a Database! But to be clear, it's not through Paizo.Com. I use the website below to catalogue the minis that I have, and helpfully it has pictures of each mini itself, too: so you make sure you counted the correct Damiel. Or, in my case, both correct Damiels!!

Here's the weblink to Miniature Trading.

If the site seems confusing, and it can sometimes be, you can email me at and maybe I can help out. I'm not an owner or have any other association with the website, just someone who found it amazingly useful (so that I wouldn't keep buying the same minis!).

Note: You do not have to actually trade anyone for a mini. I haven't, just used the cataloguing part of it. There is also a section for DnD minis, too.

Best wishes!

I'm on miniature trading (as hewhocaves). I'm not aware of the latter part- organizing them by module or AP. Is that a feature?

I do like miniature trading, but I'm not completely excited by the ways you can organize your mini collection. It appears to be rather clunky. But AFAIK it's the best out there for now.

but wow, what an awful site design.

So, I have a partially completed list of everything needed for Kingmaker.. I was basing the list off the paper minis (which someone else suggested) but apparently the paper minis only went up to the third AP. (Kingmaker really got shafted in so many ways)

Anywho.. the list in on a google drive here. If you want to look at it.

Dark Archive

Zi Mishkal wrote:

So, on my Christmas wish list...

I'd love to see a pathfidner miniatures database where the customer (i.e. me) could enter the minis I own and then cross-reference them to see which modules I have all the miniatures needed to play that module. Additionally, I'd love a list of miniatures missing and miniatures that aren't yet available.

It would be a great help in getting me to prioritize my purchases :)

(note.. i'm fully aware of the work involved in this - which is why I'm asking Santa. But seriously, if the DB is put together, the community could come up with the lists for each module.)

You can enter all of your minis here:

Instead of starting something new, wouldn't it be less work to edit the existing Pathfinder Wiki to include relevant minis and maps in the existing module entries?

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