icehawk333 |
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I was working on a charecter concept, and got super sidetracked, and did something silly.
Using serpent-fire adept, Ki leech from quinningog monk, and a non-magical waveblade, you can stay in the crown chakra state endlessly so long as you have a friendly living target with at least 5 points of dr of any sort.
The kobold will look something like 3 str, 16 dex, 8 con, 18 wis, 7 int, cha 14. (Before magic items)
Ki leech from quinningog monk.
+5 cloak of resistance
+1 agile, keen waveblade
+6 headband of wisdom and charisma
cord of stubborn resolve
Great fortitude
Iron will
Extra traits (any trait that gives a +1 to fort)
Kobold confidence (targeting wisdom)
The end result-
the kobold has a +24 to fort saves and a +23 to will saves.
From there, the kobold gains +5 to both to saves vs chakra from thier cha score.
You can open all the way to throught chakra only failing on a 1.
When you get to throught chakra, you fail the will save on a 2.
Opening the crown chakra is the hardest, failing the will save on a 9, or the fort save on a 8.
Once you do this, though, you can stay in crown chakra basically constantly-
You get a +7 to maintain open chakras.
While this chakra is open, you roll all saves twice, only have to maintain once every 3 rounds, only need to roll either a fort or will save to maintain, and only fail on a fort save of 1. If you do fail your fort save, you take 7d6 damage, but you can heal 1d8+14 a round by picking crown and heart.
You'll never run out of Ki so long as you use Ki leech and flurry a 5 DR living target now and then- so long as you roll a crit (you roll twice per swing), you regain 1 Ki point per crit. This doesn't have to do damage, just crit, and your non-magical waveblade does 1d4-3 damage.
Remember to refresh your Ki leech spell now and then, and it goes on constantly.
Using your cord of stubborn resolve, you never have to sleep, instead taking 1d6 nonleathal you heal with heart chakra.