Fetchling Unchained Rogue / Urban Bloodrager Shadow Bloodline

Rules Questions

Thinking about a build for my next campaign, and I wanted to make sure it would work the way I want it to. The idea here is 3 levels of Unchained Rogue, followed by 4 levels of Urban Bloodrager, and then into Duelist. I would be playing a Fetchling which gets the benefits of total concealment when in Dim Light. So when I hit level 7 and enter my Bloodrage, I will lower the light around me by 1 step. Normal light becomes Dim, I have full concealment from Shadow Blending, and will be able to Sneak Attack my opponents. With a starting Dex of 20 after Racial modifier, the +4 from the Urban Bloodrage, and my +4 item I will likely have, that will be a +16/+11 1d6+10 15-20/x2 with my Rapier assuming it’s a +1 Keen Rapier and a 19 AC before feats and Buckler, and a 50% chance for opponents to miss me. Have I factored all that out right?

Looking at it is seems your math is right to me. Not seeing how you are dimming the light...not really familiar with this build set but looking at the classes I see 99% of what you are saying just not that dimming of the light.

The Kwisatz Haderach wrote:
I would be playing a Fetchling which gets the benefits of total concealment when in Dim Light. So when I hit level 7 and enter my Bloodrage, I will lower the light around me by 1 step. Normal light becomes Dim, I have full concealment from Shadow Blending, and will be able to Sneak Attack my opponents.


Shadow Blending (Su): Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.

Shadow blending does not allow you to to make sneak attacks. It's not proper total concealment.

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