New Fey Woodland Sprite Race!

Homebrew and House Rules

Hey all, this ones real easy, in a homebrew campaign of mine, three;s an Elven woods area, and I really wanted another race to be there,I wanted it to be something fairy like without it being actually manic pixie tiny sized ,monstrous race, so after a bit of writing and taking a bit from my love of Guild Wars 2's Sylari race, I came up with these stinkers
Sprites Race.

I started with using the race builder to make the basics than I added in my own things based on flavor, keep in mind that this is a race in a decently powerful campaign of mine, the party is pretty strong/ a dash of the OP (maybe), so it may seem strong to your taste, but feel free to shamelessly steal/ alter to your own needs. Though, I'd love if someone could figure out a realistic RP cost for this race, xuz Im stumped as to what they'd be.

Thanks all, hope I get some feedback

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