Pinhead, The Prince of Agony


Since it's the Halloween season, I figured I'd delve into horror adventures and put together another entry in my "Slashers, Psychos, and Serial Killers" conversion section. With one caveat, though... this one is NOT meant for players. Let this one out of DM hands at your own peril.

Pinhead, The Prince of Agony

Neal Litherland wrote:

Since it's the Halloween season, I figured I'd delve into horror adventures and put together another entry in my "Slashers, Psychos, and Serial Killers" conversion section. With one caveat, though... this one is NOT meant for players. Let this one out of DM hands at your own peril.

Pinhead, The Prince of Agony

I have to admit I was skeptical about this but I really love your conversion. You've had well-thought out reasons for everything you've added. Starting with human makes a lot of sense since the character began as a human seduced by the Lament Configuration.

Great Job.

Glad you're enjoying! I shall endeavor to keep up the flow. At least one a month is my current plan, and I might be taking on something that's a little out of the usual for me starting next month.

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