Customer Service please?

Customer Service

Been trying to contact customer service for two days. Can't get anyone. I've dialed (425)-250-0800. And sent a couple emails to Haven't heard back from anyone and the customer service doesn't pick up or call back. Can anyone help?

I can't speak for yesterday- but today and tomorrow are the weekend and I don't think they work weekends at Paizo.

(today being saturday 2/9/13 and tomorrow being sunday 2/10/13- in case time difference would make that hazy)


Thank you!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

I'm sorry we missed your call! Our phone hours are Monday through Friday, 10am - 5pm Pacific time (Seattle, WA). As Cosmo was just promoted to the sales department, just Erik and myself are available in the afternoons to answer phones and occasionally there are more calls at once than we are sometime able to answer.

Looking over your emails, the first one we received was at about 6:50pm on Friday night which was unfortunately after we had left for the weekend. The second was Saturday afternoon and the third was this morning shortly before we got in. I see that Cosmo was able to resolve your issue over the phone this morning. If you need any further assistance, please let us know.

sara marie

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