Question on Faction Reward Boon Theoretical Historian

Starfinder Society

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Ok, so I'm a little concerned and confused on the wording for the Exo-Guardian Tier 1 Boon "Theoretical Historian" Since it has a cost of 0 and I have Tier 1 status with the Exo-Guardians, I "purchased" it for my -1 character.

Benefit: If you run a scenario as a GM that you have already run as a GM, you can take a Chronicle sheet from that scenario and apply it to this character. This Chronicle sheet provides no rewards (such as XP, credits, or boons), except that you can mark the chronicle sheet as being completed as part of this boon and earn 1 additional Fame and 1 additional Reputation with the Exo-Guardians Faction for your associated character.

So here's my situation, I played 1-00 and applied the lessened rewards to the character and I played 1-01. I then GM'ed the Quest Pack and applied it to the character.

So here's the issue, I then ran the Commencement twice, so the second run would trigger the requirement of running a scenario as a GM that i have already run.

Can I "apply" that chronicle to this character for the +1 Fame / +1 Rep , or does "apply" in this context count just like applying a chronicle as a GM but minus the rewards? If it's applied just like a GM chronicle, that would in some cases further prevent the character from ever playing in that game, or having a regular GM chronicle applied in a case where a replay credit could be used from a GM Nova. If there is no restriction on the chronicle itself to the point where somebody could "apply" the same scenario chronicle to the character over and over, once per tier, is it possible to word this a little better like the Digital Presence boon or the other ones that allow the 1 Fame / 1 Rep bump for unique circumstances?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

I think you have found a case for rewriting the boon to make it clearer.

I would apply the chronicle sheet ("you take a chronicle sheet") in the same manner as any other GM chronicle. The difference here is that only thing I get is 1 more Fame and 1 more Exo-Guardians Reputation.

I don't believe the intent is to allow a player to apply multiple copies of the same scenario's chronicle sheet to the same character if they GM the scenario multiple times. But the wording does not prohibit it and therefore needs to be clarified in the Guide on the next update.

I do believe this would allow a player to assign the same chronicle sheet for an adventure twice; once for GMing with full rewards and again with only the Fame/Rep reward.

1/5 5/55/55/55/5 **

Gary Bush wrote:
I do believe this would allow a player to assign the same chronicle sheet for an adventure twice; once for GMing with full rewards and again with only the Fame/Rep reward.

That's actually how I read it. Forgoing the evergreen complication to this for a minute, let's assume you play 1-04 on your -701, then GM 1-04 with credit to your -702. Now you get ready to GM 1-04 again, because it's just awesome and more people want to play it. Now you could trigger the boon and collect a 1 rep/fame 0 reward chronicle to apply to it to a DIFFERENT character who has the Theoretical Historian boon, such as your -703 or -704. You would have three copies of the chronicle, but only receive player credit once and GM credit once. The third sheet is just a 1 fame/rep boost for an Exo-Guardian.

4/5 5/55/5

the clear confusion on that still remains that th eboon explicitly says you don't get rewards for the chronicle except the +1/+1 for fame and rep. The flavor text makes it seem like you could basically get the benefit for having rerun the same scenario multiple times "You use some of your time to replay past encounters with different parameters, hoping to devise improved tactics for future use."

My concern was more for a situation where I run 1-01, 1-02, and 1-03 and apply all to one character, I then run 1-03 again can I use it with this boon on that character or not? If so, and I run 1-03 a third time, can I apply it the same way once I reach Tier 2?

More confusion, If I run 1-01, 1-02, and 1-03, then run 1-04 but apply it to a different character, then run 1-04 a second time, if I apply that second time chronicle as part of the boon for only the +1/+1 benefit, does having that chronicle "assigned" to my character prevent me from now using a Nova replay credit to apply a third running of 1-04 to my character for the normal full GM rewards?

There's just way too many possibilities to interpret this so I feel it's gonna need Thursty to chime in on the intent and possibly a rewrite.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Agreed. It is not clear.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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Alright, I hath been summoned...

Intent for the Theoretical Historian boon: The specific Chronicle sheet associated with the session you re-GM'd should have no bearing on what the associated character is eligible to play. The overall intent is "Oh, you GM'd a scenario that you'd already GM'd? This is a way to get some extra benefit out of that for your applicable Exo-Guardians characters".

Official Errata: Replace the Benefit line of the Theoretical Historian boon with the following:

"If you run a scenario as a GM that you have already run as a GM, you can take a Chronicle sheet from that scenario and apply it to this character. Cross out all information on the Chronicle sheet and mark it as "Theoretical Historian Reward". This Chronicle sheet provides no rewards (such as XP, credits, or boons), except you can mark the Chronicle sheet as being completed as part of this boon and earn 1 additional Fame and 1 additional Reputation with the Exo-Guardians Faction for your associated character. The marked Chronicle sheet is strictly meant as a record to track the additional Fame and Reputation. It does not prevent the associated character from playing in that scenario, assuming the character is applicable to play that scenario as per the rules on replaying adventures."

I'll note this for updating in future versions of the Guide.

4/5 5/55/5

Thank you sir! That's what I was hoping it meant.

I'm assuming this also means the same scenario could be used multiple times for the higher tier if it happens to be run multiple times as a GM since it doesn't say they have to be unique.

I think in the past the term "attached" was used instead of "apply" when it came to PFS chronicles that were earned by one character, but could be used to convey benefits to another character, such as the Thassilonian Magic option or the 9-00 special character option unlocks. That could help as well.

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