[Advice] Starfinder with Crisis of the World Eater

Third-Party Starfinder Products

I just got my hard copy of CotWE and since Starfinder came out between it's Kickstarter and release I feel like it's more appropriate for a Starfinder adventure than a Pathfinder one. I'm seeking advice on how to adjust it.

The first change was to have the prelude take place in the Golarion system and adventure 1 take place on Absolom station replacing the Seed of Change with the Starstone. Instead of the Chronicler making a Stargate they instead received a method to go beyond the reach of Absolom's drift travel and go to 4 other galaxies with a Starstone and a drift network as they go through adventures until level 12. The first one being the Aether Galaxy, as per Aethera.

What are good candidates for the three other galaxies?

What Starfinder threats would make good secondary antagonists?

Advice for third party material to make each Galaxy feel fresh? Particularly equipment to replace Pathfinder equipment.

Advice for plots leading to other Galaxy's Starstone/Seeds of Change to take place in new galaxies?

Aethera isn't a galaxy, it's a star system. Of course, you could extend the setting's cosmology across a whole galaxy, but you'd have to create your own out-of-system worlds. Legendary Games (Aethera's publisher) has released a bunch of planets as settings in conjunction with their adventure path, Legendary Planets. It's unrelated to Aethera, but I don't see why you can't combine them.

There's also the Starjammer campaign setting, which is notable in that it's constantly being updated as new Starfinder rules come out. I personally don't find the setting or races all that interesting, but to each their own.

Pathfinder-compatible sci-fi settings are few and far between since the system was never designed with that in mind, and Starfinder is fairly new. If you want galaxies of different feels, you could emphasize and de-emphasize technological and magical elements in each. For example, one galaxy could be purely technological without any obviously supernatural forces; one galaxy could run on "traditional" magic that's been industrialized into a futuristic level; one galaxy could have technology existing alongside psionics; and one galaxy where magic/technology all function off of ancient, possibly divine, artifacts that nobody understands.

I expanded the setting of Aethera to be galaxy spanning because of sort of a meta setting to set up future campaigns. I'm using a lot from Starfinder's setting but wanting to make games away from the setting so I decided to assume each setting was it's own galaxy that are loosely connected. Particularly for Crisis I thought it fit.

How is the Starjammer setting? I've kind of ignored it because I've been swamped with work for the past half-year and Starfinder was coming out so there seemed no point.

I think I saw a Starfinder thing focusing on bioaugmentations. Perhaps a Galaxy where transhumanism is a trend? Anything good with races for Starfinder to populate these?

Grand Lodge

Malwing wrote:

How is the Starjammer setting?

I think I saw a Starfinder thing focusing on bioaugmentations. Perhaps a Galaxy where transhumanism is a trend? Anything good with races for Starfinder to populate these?

The Starjammer SF version has some fun things in it. It has 3 planets and 4 races. A few feats and archetypes. I think it was worth the PDF price.

I also am looking at running Crisis in SF.

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