advice on a golarion travel path

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Sovereign Court

Hi there
i have pc going from ustalav to Osirion
they have embarked at Calpihas and will visit some ports before disembarking at Kerse, in Druma.
after that point i think the route should be via river either
1) to highhelm (and the 5 kings mountains) then on the sellen river to cassomir then ship to Absalom then ship to sothis)
2) river to macridi, then land route to hills at the borders with isger then river again to falcon's hollow.. river to almas then via ship to absalom and again ship to sothis

while the last 2 legs (cassomir > absalom > sothis or almas > absalom > sothis) are pretty clear to imagine, the travel from kerse to cassomir or kerse to almas are quite hard for me to gauge in terms of peril and duration

any suggestion ?
thanks in advance

What's the objective? To avoid trouble, or seek adventure?

Sovereign Court

avoid troubles. the adventure awaits in osirion
but will do some fun here and there

The Exchange

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I believe that Isger is considered as the main trade route between the inner sea and lake encarthan. I can't source this now. But I believe that is why Cheliax, Andoran, and Druma were so invested in the Goblinblood War.

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