Extra-dimensional Space / Beings


So, I would like to create a monster that has created an extra-dimensional space, sort of like a portal to another plane, hidden someplace common - is there anything like that already in the Golorion universe that does that? Something that sort of hides there, and pops out whenever it wishes, and could stay there indefinitely, something with some size and depth that my PCs could explore? Any advice would be helpful - thanks!!!


Paizo Employee Managing Developer

The kikimora has an ability like that. Might be a god start as to how to create a similar ability.

Ethereal Filcher?

Dimensional Shambler?

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

Oh, I misread the original post. I thought you were looking for a creature that could make its own extradimensional space. Many creatures can move across planes, but the ones that can do it easiest are the ones that can transit the Ethereal Plane. Sahkils have the ability to skip between the ethereal and the Material at will, which is pretty handy.

The Rope Trick spell might be a good mechanic to use if you just want a creature that can make an extra-dimensional pocket to hide in.

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