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Growth in Ash:
When you succeed at a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire, or when you cease taking ongoing fire damage from a spell or effect, you can smear ash on yourself as an immediate action to gain fast healing 1 for 3 rounds. For every Hit Die you have beyond 3, extend the duration of this fast healing by an additional round.
Above is the text of growth in ash, so what I was wondering is does this feat allow for out of combat infinite healing? This seems like a really powerful feat if so. Basically there are some mundane situations where you can catch on fire that can easily be reproduced in a safe environment and with 5 points of fire resist or more you don't care about the small risk of catching on fire. Even without the fire resist a mid level dex based character will only fail on a 1 or 2 for the catch on fire. So what is stopping a character with a +14 or 15 from purposefully putting themselves in situations where they would need to make a save to catch on fire and when they succeed their save they get 3-20 points of healing over 3-20 rounds.