Would you rather...?

Forum Games

I think this has been done before, but I want to start it again. I'll go first, and when everyone is tired of this question, maybe someone can post a new one.

Would you rather:

predict the outcome of an event with 100% certainty


control the outcome of an event so that there is an 80% chance it will resolve in your favor


Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

80% is an awesome probability rate, which is why, despite uncertainty about this, I'm deducing your intent is that this ability is actually a one-time thing rather than the ability to do this with many events. That being the case, I'd rather:

Predict the outcome of an event with 100% certainty. I'd go around taking and making wagers with the skeptical beforehand and quite possibly become rich. Imagine if somebody could have done that with last year's election?!

Would You Rather be the proud owner of:

earmuffs made from human brains


a GoatToucher-skin wallet?

Things To Consider: forbidden secrets whispered in your ears, deterring thieves, moisture, the tanning process

I'll take the wallet.

Would you rather

Be extremely physically fit, but on the condition that you can only live for 15 more years


Be extremely unhealthy, but live for 40 more years, though suffering from the repercussions of your poor health.

Scarab Sages

Joshua9093 wrote:

I'll take the wallet.

Not gonna extrapolate/explain your choice some? :)

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Joshua9093 wrote:

I'll take the wallet.

Not gonna extrapolate/explain your choice some? :)

TBH, I'm not sure what GoatToucher-skin means, but at least I could hide that in my pocket, whereas the brain muffs would be kinda gross and noticeable.

GoatToucher is a regular forum poster

That regularly posts disturbing things

Joshua9093 wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Joshua9093 wrote:

I'll take the wallet.

Not gonna extrapolate/explain your choice some? :)
TBH, I'm not sure what GoatToucher-skin means, but at least I could hide that in my pocket, whereas the brain muffs would be kinda gross and noticeable.

Oh, you sweet, summer child...

Joshua9093 wrote:

I'll take the wallet.

Would you rather

Be extremely physically fit, but on the condition that you can only live for 15 more years


Be extremely unhealthy, but live for 40 more years, though suffering from the repercussions of your poor health.

The first. Forty more years isn't that long, and if I am going to be physically miserable the entire time, I'll have to pass.

Comparatively, I will only have fifteen extra years, but will be in prime condition. This will allow me to pack a great deal of awesome activities in my remaining years, including vigorous sexy-times with my wife.

Then, when I die, all my children will be grown, and my wife will only be in her mid fifties. Given her attractiveness (and how well-preserved her mother is) she should be able to replace me in short order and live a long life after I am gone.

I'm afraid that answer is more of a "real person" answer more so than an "affected forum persona" answer.

Would you rather:

1: Live through a horrible, protracted, and agonizing trauma, resulting in your skin, limbs, and major organs being destroyed, but have them replaced with cybernetics that effectively make you superhuman.


2: Not have that happen.

Scarab Sages

You might be surprised how much and how badly I've suffered in my time...and what lengths I'd go to transcend the limits of flesh. I'd give #1 a shot.

Would You Rather Your Houseguest for the Next 2 Years Be:

one those French-y peas from VeggieTales


Max Cohen from Pi?

Things To Consider: special accommodations, personal tutoring opportunities, visits from shady characters, dinner

Easily the first one. I mean, those Frenchy peas make me laugh. Also, do you realize how tasty Le Sueur Peas are? After two years I'll be ready to kill any guest anyway so why not a tasty guest?

Would you rather be famous for:

1) Building things?


2) Destroying things?

Note: Neither is assumed to be bad or good. You could be a builder of bombs or a destroyer of landmines. So keep your mind open because the answer you reveal is going into a database we keep on you at the CIA have fun!

Scarab Sages

Destroying things. 'Building' is not the same as 'creating,' and nearly always requires destruction somewhere else, destruction enables future creation and can be done with just as much artistry - and I wanna be able to throw fireballs, dammit!

Would You Rather Command Your Own Personal Army Of:

masterfully-trained French mimes


frenzied Christmas Island crabs?

owww, mmmm, crabs at my command...yes

Would you rather

1. be followed by 5,000 twitter fans who mistake everything you post as a compliment to Blake Shelton


2. be followed by 300 twitter fans who take everything you post as an insult to Shelly Mazzanoble

Scarab Sages

Door #2, please - I never heard of either of them prior to your post, but the most important thing is that it's better to have fewer Twitter followers rather than more, as Twitter is a g&*@$$n blight upon all the realm, practically the Broad Street pump of contemporary moral panic and mass idiocy. Contributing negativity would likely provide further incentive for it to be shut down and banned, which is an honest and true wish of mine, and it's nice to be able to say it's not my fault my followers are under a geas to misinterpret me.

Would You Rather Have:

Skiron as your live-in personal spiritual advisor


Bleached Otyugh as your live-in personal geisha?

Sovereign Court

Option number 1, I have already hired the Otyugh as my trash collector.

Would you rather

Win an infinite wealth of money for spending 24 hours - unguarded - in a room with a live and healthy (and very dangerous) tyrannosaurus that is hungry and his a taste for your flesh?


Be stuck inside a Tron-like world, at the mercy of a master computer system that will make you tirelessly work and carry out its every whim solely for its own amusement, simply because you want to be ageless/immortal?

Sovereign Court

Also, if you rub a GoatToucher brand wallet, like a genie's lamp, it becomes a suitcase!

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