Occultist for Strange Aeon's Game


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So, my buddy will be running Strange Aeons and I want to create an Occultist who can take care of trap finding but also be a descent fighter when needed. I was thinking of trying something similar to an old EQ Shadowknight with an Armored Guy with spells but also a descent pet by going Necromancy/Divination/Transmutation. Was considering Half Orc for him since they are wanting just core races. Any advice on how to build him? Probably it will be a 20 point build.

Dude! You only need to hit send once.

captain yesterday wrote:
Dude! You only need to hit send once.

Terribly sorry. My work internet is slow and annoying. It was showing me as just spinning. Deleted them.

No worries, I know how that is!

I thought I put the exclamation point after the whole sentence, not the dude part, and in hindsight I should've included my customary sideways smiley face. :-)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I played an Occultist in Strange Aeons from start to finish. They are amazing in this AP. Whatever you do, don't take any archetype that trades away Object Reading. My DM used that sweet, sweet ability to give us information that we otherwise never would have had access to. Detect Psychic Significance, Detect Magic, and Object Reading for the win. The only problem is that both Detect spells are Divination. I solved this problem by playing an Elf with the Envoy racial trait to get Detect Magic 1/day until I could buy a Cloak of the Hedge Wizard.

I built my Elven Occultist as a Knowledge specialist and secondary melee through the use of a Reach weapon and Combat Reflexes. Between Power Attack, a two-handed weapon, and Legacy Weapon from the Transmutation implement you should be pretty solid on combat.

My Occultist never took the Necromancy implement because I was playing him like a Paladin in a party full of Paladins. Lol Frustrated the crap out of our poor DM even with the removal of Immunity to Fear. There are some amazing Focus Powers in Necromancy though. Necromantic Servant can help tank some of the harder foes or spring some of the traps you'll come across and save the party a lot of damage. Make sure to pick up an Armored Coat asap to help out its survivability without wasting its duration. Soul Bound Puppet is where it's really at though. A custom built familiar whenever you want one for a single point is amazing. Need another combatant? Mauler. Don't have that knowledge skill in the party or messed up your roll? Sage. Can't speak the monsters language? Bring up a Raven that knows it. It's power is only limited by what your DM will restrict it to. I'd take it over Necromantic Servant in most cases.

For more general advice, Transmutation, Divination, and Abjuration will serve you incredibly well in this AP. Trans will give you a stat belt effect long before you'll find one in the AP. Abjuration will keep your saves at the proper level. And Divination was my MVP implement for the entire game. My Occultist pretty much never failed a Perception check and the constant See Invisibility at 7th+ saved my parties bacon more times than I can remember.

If you want to handle any and all Knowledge checks for the party you can fill that role masterfully especially as an Elf. Take Breadth of Experience and Live, Learn, Love the 1st level Transmutation spell Tears to Wine. Purify whatever liquid you cast it on making it safe to drink and when you drink it gain a SCALING bonus to Int and Wis checks for 10 mins/level. Keep close to max ranks in the five major Knowledges and with your Int, feat, and spell enjoy smashing even some of the absurdly high DCs later in the path BY YOURSELF. Laughing maniacally is optional, but suggested.

To be honest though the best reason to play either an Elf or a Half-Elf is the amazing Elven Favored Class Bonus. Your Implements are hungry beasts for points if you want to keep them pumping out the best bonuses they can. Make sure to take the Extra Mental Focus feat asap. You can only take it once, but you'll want those extra 2 points of Focus. Constant See Invis from Divination is especially greedy at 9 points. It's worth it though as soon as you take the Mind's Eye focus power. Free, Invisible scouting with your Perception checks and senses (including constant See Invis) anywhere an eyeball can fly into. There is a surprising lack of creatures that can detect it until around halfway through Book 4.

My starting stats after Racial bonuses were:
Str 16 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 7

Put 3 Focus points into your Trans implement to push your Str to 18 and you're good until you can take Power Attack at 3rd or 5th level.

I'd suggest spending one of your traits, if you get them, on Destined for Greatness to get the Melee Contingency Kit for free at first level. It saved my party a few times throughout Books 1 and 2.

Whatever you end up choosing, you should have a blast in Strange Aeons as an Occultist. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Malkier1023 wrote:

I played an Occultist in Strange Aeons from start to finish. They are amazing in this AP. Whatever you do, don't take any archetype that trades away Object Reading. My DM used that sweet, sweet ability to give us information that we otherwise never would have had access to. Detect Psychic Significance, Detect Magic, and Object Reading for the win. The only problem is that both Detect spells are Divination. I solved this problem by playing an Elf with the Envoy racial trait to get Detect Magic 1/day until I could buy a Cloak of the Hedge Wizard.

I built my Elven Occultist as a Knowledge specialist and secondary melee through the use of a Reach weapon and Combat Reflexes. Between Power Attack, a two-handed weapon, and Legacy Weapon from the Transmutation implement you should be pretty solid on combat.

My Occultist never took the Necromancy implement because I was playing him like a Paladin in a party full of Paladins. Lol Frustrated the crap out of our poor DM even with the removal of Immunity to Fear. There are some amazing Focus Powers in Necromancy though. Necromantic Servant can help tank some of the harder foes or spring some of the traps you'll come across and save the party a lot of damage. Make sure to pick up an Armored Coat asap to help out its survivability without wasting its duration. Soul Bound Puppet is where it's really at though. A custom built familiar whenever you want one for a single point is amazing. Need another combatant? Mauler. Don't have that knowledge skill in the party or messed up your roll? Sage. Can't speak the monsters language? Bring up a Raven that knows it. It's power is only limited by what your DM will restrict it to. I'd take it over Necromantic Servant in most cases.

For more general advice, Transmutation, Divination, and Abjuration will serve you incredibly well in this AP. Trans will give you a stat belt effect long before you'll find one in the AP. Abjuration will keep your saves at the proper level. And Divination was my MVP implement for the entire game. My...

Thanks much! Will definitely be referencing this when we get ready t play.

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Malkier1023 wrote:
/snip/ If you want to handle any and all Knowledge checks for the party you can fill that role masterfully especially as an Elf. Take Breadth of Experience and Live, Learn, Love the 1st level Transmutation spell Tears to Wine. Purify whatever liquid you cast it on making it safe to drink and when you drink it gain a SCALING bonus to Int and Wis checks for 10 mins/level. Keep close to max ranks in the five major Knowledges and with your Int, feat, and spell enjoy smashing even some of the absurdly high DCs later in the path BY YOURSELF. Laughing maniacally is optional, but suggested. /snip/

I found Breath of Experience and Tears to Wine but could hide nor hair of "Live, Learn, Love...." Care to point me in the right direction?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sorry, Catdragon. Live, Learn, Love was just a turn of phrase meant to describe how important Tears to Wine was for my build. Sorry for the confusion.

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