Weapon sizes and damage

General Discussion

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't think a weapon used by a colossal robot should deal the same damage as a weapon used by a regular person.

I also don't believe in damage scaling with size, especially with futuristic weapons, and I especially think weapons should be made in a single size only, as the technology required to make such weapons doesn't scale.

I think different size catagories should get their own weapons, and that creatures should be able to adapt weapons of up to one size category larger or smaller than them to be used effectively by them.

-While a medium creature gets a plasma rifle, a huge creature should get a plasma cannon.
-A raccoon should be able to have a trigger for a medium assault rifle adapted so he could use it as a heavy weapon.

One more thing: Siege weapons, such as artillery, plox.

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I believe your first example will be how we'll see scenarios, a larger creature will have a weapon of a level near its CR. A CR13 giant will not have a lvl 1 laser rifle, but a lvl 12-14 one.

Grand Lodge

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I don't think Weapon Proficiency represents using weapons a certain relative amount larger than you. It's more of how to hold, how to swing/fire etc. A Longarm is still built to be held, reloaded, fired, carried a certain way, regardless of how big it is relative to you.

Likely they don't need rules around this since any PC race is unlikely to be smaller than Small or larger than Large, and NPCs don't follow normal rules anyway, so they could add a 5d20 assault cannon to a monster stat block with the caveat it's too big to be used by PCs without needing a whole rules subsystem or pages of Guns PCs could never use.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Peat wrote:

I don't think Weapon Proficiency represents using weapons a certain relative amount larger than you. It's more of how to hold, how to swing/fire etc. A Longarm is still built to be held, reloaded, fired, carried a certain way, regardless of how big it is relative to you.

Likely they don't need rules around this since any PC race is unlikely to be smaller than Small or larger than Large, and NPCs don't follow normal rules anyway, so they could add a 5d20 assault cannon to a monster stat block with the caveat it's too big to be used by PCs without needing a whole rules subsystem or pages of Guns PCs could never use.

No, PC races are not larger than large. But Powered Armor can make you any size.

EC Gamer Guy wrote:
I believe your first example will be how we'll see scenarios, a larger creature will have a weapon of a level near its CR. A CR13 giant will not have a lvl 1 laser rifle, but a lvl 12-14 one.

Again, I'm not talking about monsters. I'm talking about PCs using tanks and mechs.

Grand Lodge

I see. I'm sure tanks and mecha will have their own book(s) and rules. The devs said at GenCon the two things they most regretted couldn't fit into CRB were Mech Suits and Fist of the North Star super punching martial arts.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Peat wrote:
I see. I'm sure tanks and mecha will have their own book(s) and rules. The devs said at GenCon the two things they most regretted couldn't fit into CRB were Mech Suits and Fist of the North Star super punching martial arts.

We have releases scheduled for Oct 2017 and Mar 2018.

I'm guessing those books would be coming out mid 2018.

I can't really afford to wait that long.

I wish they would release "make your own mech" guidelines before then.

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Temennigru wrote:
Peat wrote:
I see. I'm sure tanks and mecha will have their own book(s) and rules. The devs said at GenCon the two things they most regretted couldn't fit into CRB were Mech Suits and Fist of the North Star super punching martial arts.

We have releases scheduled for Oct 2017 and Mar 2018.

I'm guessing those books would be coming out mid 2018.

I can't really afford to wait that long.

I wish they would release "make your own mech" guidelines before then.

Exalted 3e estimated delivery: Oct 2013

Exalted 3e actual release: April 2016

Exhausted list of rulebooks published since then:


Just saying, it could be worse.

Temennigru wrote:

I don't think a weapon used by a colossal robot should deal the same damage as a weapon used by a regular person.

Why would you arm your Mech/ Power Armor with anything but heavy weapons?

I would be an interesting option to allow power armor of Huge or greater size to mount a single light starship weapon with some restrictions.
Damage is 10x the listed damage, range incriment 120'
area weapons: laser blast 10', plasma blast 15', particle 300' line, flak 30' blast (placed up to 120'), array 120' blast, coilgun explode 5'
cost 100,000 credits per build point
bulk is 3x build points
recharge, may only fire every (PCU cost) rounds

Temennigru wrote:

I also don't believe in damage scaling with size, especially with futuristic weapons, and I especially think weapons should be made in a single size only, as the technology required to make such weapons doesn't scale.

See P: 138 Weapon Sizes

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