Total Party Kill Games' Pathfinder / Starfinder Integration: Arcforge: New Age of Legends

Product Discussion

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Hello everyone. I'm here to reveal the latest playtest that we at TPK Games are working on.

Pathfinder and Starfinder are different games, undoubtably, but a lot can be said for combining them. Maybe you want to take to the stars with your favorite artifacts at your side. Maybe you want to see what a technomancer would feel like in a more classical fantasy world. Maybe you want to try out a lot of Starfinder's content without switching over to the new rules or a lot of Pathfinder's content without reverting to the old ones.

Regardless, we have something for you in Arcforge: New Age of Legends.

Contained within are comprehensive rules for fully integrating Pathfinder and Starfinder content, enabling you to use most anything from one game in the other. We've also got new options for most of the Starfinder classes and rules for how Arcforge: Technology Expanded's Helmsman class operates in starship combat.

I hope you folks all enjoy this piece. We've worked hard to put it together. As always, input is appreciated.

Good to have some free dual PF and SF playtestin' Arcforge New Age Legend stuff out there. ;)

Admittedly, haven't too gotten far into SF at the moment, but I'm sure the 3rd party intergrated stuff will come in pretty handy for those that knows both ruleset. :)

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