Wild hunter

Rules Questions

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Okay, I'm curious. The Wild hunter archetype loses favored enemy, swift tracker and woodland stride.

But it looks like you also lose Quarry and Improved Quarry. If you read this under Quarry: 'A ranger can have no more than one quarry at a time and the creature's type must correspond to one of his favored enemy types.'

Seriously? Am I reading this right? Because it sure doesn't say ahead of time you lose those two abilities. Is this suppose to be some kind of 11th level "Surprise!" archetype? Either I'm completely misunderstanding - which I hope I am - or someone seriously overlooked this when putting this thing together.

Is this correct?

I'd say yeah, you lose quarry and improved quarry.
Since per animal focus "This ability replaces all instances of the favored enemy class ability."

Looks like you still have quarry but can't do much with it. If you the Dedicated Adversary feat, you'd be able to use quarry again.

I appreciate the responses, folks.

Unfortunately I figured I wasn't reading it wrong.

I'm thinking this archetype needs some serious errata. 'Cause that's just jacked. You're getting ripped off is what's happening. But I'm not gonna put any money down on them fixing it. Ah well.

Thanks again, folks!

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