Master of the Unseen Hand: Kineticist Archetype

Homebrew and House Rules

Master of the Unseen Hand
A Kineticist Archetype

The Master of the Unseen hand are kineticists that see Aether as the purist, or perhaps most formidable, element. They devote their study solely to the mastery of Telekinesis. Few can argue that their single-minded approach does in fact yield the amazing, if inflexible, results.
Aether Student: 1st level. A Master of the Unseen Hand must select Aether as their first (and only) Elemental Focus.
Momentous Force: Through intense study and experiment she begins to understand the complexities of physics and inertia on a practical level. Her body becomes infused with Aether as she accepts burn, causing her to glow with power, her hair and loose straps and fabric, even light debris (such as dust, leaves, paper, fine pebbles etc…) begin to drift upward and float around her. This force invariably repels enemy assault and can be focused into devastating attacks for the Master of the Unseen Hand. She receives a bonus on her attack rolls with kinetic blasts equal to the total number of points of burn she currently has, to a maximum bonus of +1 for every 3 kineticist levels she possesses. She also receives a bonus on damage rolls with her kinetic blast equal to double the bonus on attack rolls. The kineticist can suppress the visual effects of elemental overflow by concentrating for 1 full round, but doing so suppresses all of this ability’s other benefits, as well. The next time the kineticist uses any wild talent, the visual effects and benefits return instantly. As a kineticist’s body becomes more and more suffused with her Aether, she begins to gain more powerful benefits. Starting at 6th level, whenever she has at least 3 points of burn, the kineticist gains a +2 size bonus to Strength or Constitution and gains a +2 bonus to CMB and CMD with either her own personal Attacks or her Telekinetic Wild Talents. At 11th level, whenever the kineticist has at least 5 points of burn, these bonuses increase to a +4 size bonus and +2 size bonus to her choice of Strength and Constitution score and a +4 to CMB and CMD. At 16th level, whenever the kineticist has at least 7 points of Burn, these bonuses increase to a +6 and +4 size bonus to her choice of Strength and Constitution and +6 to CMB and CMD. The choice between Strength and Constitution must be made each time the first point of Burn is accepted.
This ability replaces Power Overflow.

Focused Element: The Master of the Unseen Hand may NOT select another element at 7th level. Instead she gains an additional utility wild talent or infusion of her choice from Aether, as if from her infusion or wild talent class feature, as appropriate. At 15th level the Master of the Unseen Hand again must choose Aether, and gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, as well as to caster level and DCs.
This replaces Expanded Element.

Mass Force Ward: At 16th level the cost of regenerating her Force Ward is reduced by 1 burn (minimum zero). She may now extend a force ward to several willing recipients equal to her Con modifier, by accepting 1 Burn, e.g. if you have a +5 Con modifier for 1 burn you could now apply Force Ward to yourself AND five allies. She may increase the maximum number of temporary hit points and/or increase their regeneration rate as normal, but each cost must be calculated separately.
This ability replaces Composite Specialization.

Twin Force: She may now select twice as many targets as normal for any infusion or wild talent for the cost of 1 Burn. This includes beneficial infusions that normally target self. If she excepts 1 Burn She may apply the effects to an ally within Close range.
This ability replaces Omnikinesis.


Please let me know what you think. It has only had limited playtest among my group. Suggestions and modifications are welcomed.

Momentous Force: Is this just "Elemental Overflow, but you have to pick strength and constitution"? It's too wordy for that (since 95% of this text is replicated from the original ability, making it hard to tell what's different). I think it is a fairly significant downgrade, since that's +3 missing from their attack roll with every blast and from AC (since they can't pick DEX) is going to make it harder to hit with their blasts. Also, renaming the ability is going to cause a lot of weird interactions (for example, like how does it work with Kinetic Blade.). I'd leave elemental overflow alone and just give them the CMB boost as some new ability. Or if you must restrict to STR/CON, say it "modifies" Elemental Overflow, and don't change it's name.

Focused Element: Similar to the last one, removing the existing thing and replacing is causes a lot of rules trouble. Technically, this locks them out of a lot of features, because they no longer have the "Expanded Element" class feature, which is a prerequisite for a lot of things (like Aetheric Boost and Force Blast), which is _another_ big downgrade in power. Just call it "Expanded Element" and say they always have to pick Force and that this modifies Expanded Element instead of replacing it.

Mass Force Ward: Regenerating Force Ward doesn't have a burn cost to regenerate, so I'm not sure what this sentence is doing... It just regenerates whenever you use burn for other things. What costs are there are extremely important that they not drop to zero, otherwise you'd have effectively infinite health.

Twin Force: Infusions are part of blasts... what does it mean to share the "infusion" part of Kinetic Blade or Extended Range? What's the duration of this sharing? Several talents are infinite duration... Can the rest of your party become huge with elemental form? That seems... broken... Though if it's supposed to only happen at level 20, I guess it doesn't really matter, since most stuff is broken at that point.

Thanks for the feedback. This is literally the first draft. I do see some loopholes and broken features. The main concept for this class is to utilize Telekinesis (and become the master of such) much like the D&D 3.0 (crappy) prestige class that inspired it. The focus was meant to be on ranged maneuvers and not making them "Combat masters". More of controlling battlefield movement and aiding other front line combatants. Trip the mage, range grapple the fighter and such. Just a concept I intend to streamline. I willl make the changes as necessary on my next draft.

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