Combat Drones, Riding Saddles, and Survival.


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So Riding Saddle makes your Drone capable of being ridden as a combat trained mount.

By using your custom rig, you can direct your mount with a move action. Thus, your drone has a move, and a standard action, leaving you with your standard action.

The drone can move, attack, and you can also attack... Correct?

OR, as per Survival, I can make a DC 10 check as a swift action to fight from my mount, and allow it to also make any attacks it normally has.

So... Do I actually need any ranks in Survival? Or, alternatively, Does having survival give me an extra move action?

I fell like i would want Survival anyway, to use the Cover action. But I'm still not certain if I need to be rolling a Survival check every round just so both my drone and I can shoot.

Per the rules currently, if you are already mounted the drone can move and attack and you can also attack with your remaining standard action. No Survival check needed.

The only need for survival checks would be if you wanted to "Take Cover" using your "Mount". But the Mounted Mechanic Cavalry is still waiting to hear on clarified rules for things beyond just riding your drone into battle...


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We had this conversation on the discord last night.

there's probably 3 interpretations, depending on how the DM wants to rule.

1 - the riding saddle rule combined with the drone description and the survival skill description removes all need for survival checks involving the drone.

2 - the only thing which the drone & riding saddle covers is directing the drone in combat. everything else (cover, leap, etc.) all require survival checks.

3 - it's a mix. survival checks which involve controlling the drone are not needed. stuff which is more reliant on your skills (cover, fast mount/dismount, staying mounted after you take damage) rely on survival checks.

an FAQ on the topic would be nice. as it is, i'm torn between options 1 and 3.

i'm trying to build a gnome who rides his drone into battle as a sort of techno-knight errant.

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