Mechanic's Custom Rig - Upgrades / Add-Ons

Rules Questions

What would be a good guideline for allowing a Mechanic's Custom Rig to allow you to always count as having the appropriate tool or basic kit for any Medicine skill check you attempt (i.e., to act as a Basic Medkit)? Pay 110% the price of a Basic Medkit, like adding the function of some other device/scanner to a Personal Comm Unit?

(Character concept: a medic whose personal custom cybernetic upgrades intended for medical use turn out to have some non-medical functions [Mechanic w/ Exocortex]. The scanners used to track patient vitals can also track a target in combat. Memory module contains xenobiological info on dozens of alien species. And, really, is bypassing a power relay that different from a coronary bypass? It's Bones AND Scotty! Or Bashir AND O'Brien.)

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