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OK, sure they aren't meant to be PC's. What I was wondering was would the racial modifiers be if they were. I want to think the bonuses would be DEX and WIS, with a penalty to STR. Maybe instead of WIS, it could be CHA.
Subtract 10 from the even stats. Subtract 11 from the odd stats. Those are the racial mods.

mdt |

Blink Dog
STR +2
DEX +4
CON +4
WIS +2
A blink dog PC would, per pg 313 of Bestiary, be the equivalent of a 2nd level standard PC. You shouldn't let anyone play one at lower than 2nd level, and it shouldn't get class levels until the party is at 3rd level.
Progression :
Party Level / Blink Dog Level
2nd / Straight Blink Dog
3rd / Blink Dog + 1 CL
4th / Blink Dog + 2 CL
4.5th / Blink Dog + 3 CL
5th / Blink Dog + 4 CL
20th / Blink Dog + 19 CL

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Also, it would seem the Blink SLA could be suppressed by the individual Blink Dog, at least, temporarily if one chose. Does this seems fair or right?
I assume it would be like spell resistance and be a standard action to suppress.
==AKA 8one6

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"A spell-like ability usually has a limit on how often it can be used. A constant spell-like ability or one that can be used at will has no use limit; unless otherwise stated, a creature can only use a constant spell-like ability on itself. Reactivating a constant spell-like ability is a swift action."
Blink is a (D) spell. So it is a standard action that does not draw an AOO to Dismiss. Once turned on it has a duration of Constant (D). It looks to me the big reasons for "Constant" vice "At-Will" is that you can not use it on other creatures and you do not have to take a SO to reactivate. It would only have a 7 round duration if it was not a constant SLA.

mdt |

Bestiary 2 wrote:"A spell-like ability usually has a limit on how often it can be used. A constant spell-like ability or one that can be used at will has no use limit; unless otherwise stated, a creature can only use a constant spell-like ability on itself. Reactivating a constant spell-like ability is a swift action."Blink is a (D) spell. So it is a standard action that does not draw an AOO to Dismiss. Once turned on it has a duration of Constant (D). It looks to me the big reasons for "Constant" vice "At-Will" is that you can not use it on other creatures and you do not have to take a SO to reactivate. It would only have a 7 round duration if it was not a constant SLA.
Ah, ok. My mistake then. Yes, they should be able to drop it whenever they want and re-establish with a swift action.