What If: Blink Dog PC

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

OK, sure they aren't meant to be PC's. What I was wondering was would the racial modifiers be if they were. I want to think the bonuses would be DEX and WIS, with a penalty to STR. Maybe instead of WIS, it could be CHA.

Liberty's Edge

Chris Ballard wrote:
OK, sure they aren't meant to be PC's. What I was wondering was would the racial modifiers be if they were. I want to think the bonuses would be DEX and WIS, with a penalty to STR. Maybe instead of WIS, it could be CHA.

Subtract 10 from the even stats. Subtract 11 from the odd stats. Those are the racial mods.

Blink Dog

STR +2
DEX +4
CON +4
WIS +2

A blink dog PC would, per pg 313 of Bestiary, be the equivalent of a 2nd level standard PC. You shouldn't let anyone play one at lower than 2nd level, and it shouldn't get class levels until the party is at 3rd level.

Progression :

Party Level / Blink Dog Level
2nd / Straight Blink Dog
3rd / Blink Dog + 1 CL
4th / Blink Dog + 2 CL
4.5th / Blink Dog + 3 CL
5th / Blink Dog + 4 CL
20th / Blink Dog + 19 CL

Dark Archive

Also, it would seem the Blink SLA could be suppressed by the individual Blink Dog, at least, temporarily if one chose. Does this seems fair or right?

Dark Archive

Chris Ballard wrote:
Also, it would seem the Blink SLA could be suppressed by the individual Blink Dog, at least, temporarily if one chose. Does this seems fair or right?

I assume it would be like spell resistance and be a standard action to suppress.

AKA 8one6

It says constant, so I'd say no. If you wanted to let them though, I'd treat it like a concentration check, and not let them cast spells, etc while doing it.

Grand Lodge

Bestiary 2 wrote:
"A spell-like ability usually has a limit on how often it can be used. A constant spell-like ability or one that can be used at will has no use limit; unless otherwise stated, a creature can only use a constant spell-like ability on itself. Reactivating a constant spell-like ability is a swift action."

Blink is a (D) spell. So it is a standard action that does not draw an AOO to Dismiss. Once turned on it has a duration of Constant (D). It looks to me the big reasons for "Constant" vice "At-Will" is that you can not use it on other creatures and you do not have to take a SO to reactivate. It would only have a 7 round duration if it was not a constant SLA.

Crispy3ed wrote:
Bestiary 2 wrote:
"A spell-like ability usually has a limit on how often it can be used. A constant spell-like ability or one that can be used at will has no use limit; unless otherwise stated, a creature can only use a constant spell-like ability on itself. Reactivating a constant spell-like ability is a swift action."
Blink is a (D) spell. So it is a standard action that does not draw an AOO to Dismiss. Once turned on it has a duration of Constant (D). It looks to me the big reasons for "Constant" vice "At-Will" is that you can not use it on other creatures and you do not have to take a SO to reactivate. It would only have a 7 round duration if it was not a constant SLA.

Ah, ok. My mistake then. Yes, they should be able to drop it whenever they want and re-establish with a swift action.

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