iPad download issues

Website Feedback

The Exchange

I'm having troubles downloading documents from the my downloads section of my account.

Doesn't seem to matter which document or its size.
Everytime I try it with my iPad, I drop from the system. The progress bar jumps to about 1/4 progress (almost instantly) then just hangs.
Doesn't matter what time of day either.

Normally, I'll see that progress is still occurring because a spinning circle appears, showing the network is still accessing data, even if the blue bar doesn't appear to be working.

This isn't happening though.
I had this same issue on the day I tried downloading Starfinder, but that got resolved when a moderator saw t and moved it to this section of the boards (I'd originally posted in the Starfinder section).

Could you please look into this. I download direct to my iPad since this is where I read my PDFs. Downloading to computer seems not to be an issue,(tried this morning when I first noticed the problem). This won't solve my conundrum though, because synching the files to my iPad from the computer is painful and longer than a direct download has ever been.

Hope I've provided enough information

The Exchange

Sigh. The issue seems to have resolved itself, again.

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