Lord Worcestershire of Perrins |

After the PC's returned Lamatar Bayden's corpse to Myriana I wanted to stress the urgency to return to Sandpoint quickly and suggested that traditional means would not get them back in time.
I don't have anyone in the group who can cast Teleport so I have come up with the idea of traveling to the Sanos Forest and using the portal to the First World that is said to exist there. I have an Unchained Summoner who is a First Worlder Archetype that is interested in conducting merchant business and setting up ties to the Witch Market so I thought this might also be a fun way to work that in. I'm also thinking of replacing his cohort that was killed at Hook Mountain with a Gnome from Sanos Forest to help in the transition.
Instead of Myriana being consumed with the reincarnation of Lamatar she is requesting that the group take his remains to the portal and suggest that once he is in the First World he can then be reincarnated and returned to her. I also thought about having him return in the form of taking on the personality of an intelligent weapon in the form of his magical longbow but that is another story altogether.
So once inside they will deliver a token from Myriana to someone or something in exchange for passage to somewhere near Sandpoint. I was thinking of doing something similar to a Narnia feeling of many doors or portals in a grove, or a Alice in Wonderland situation or Pan's Labyrinth but I'd prefer not to get too far off track. I was thinking they might see one of the The Tane but not encounter any of them, at least not in combat.
Any other ideas? What should they see, or do? Where should they end up close to Sandpoint?

Tinalles |
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What should they see? Impossible things!
An empty town on the shores of a lake, where the water holds steady and still while the buildings wash up and down.
Daffodils thirty feet tall with flying rabbits that sip the sweet dew that collects on the leaves.
A sorrowing maiden kneeling on the edge of a windswept cliff, whose tears form a roaring waterfall crashing to the sea far below.
Twisting vines that form faces and shout raunchy jokes at the PCs.
An empty field of motionless golden grass that does not stir in the wind and bears no living creature, yet rustles constantly.
Tracks in the ground that, on inspection, prove to be those of the PCs themselves laid down before they even arrived.
What should they do? Hire a guide!
Perhaps he is a cloaked, hooded man who demands that each PC pay for passage with a whispered secret. He leads them by hidden ways that open before them and close again after, that none of the party can find again.
Perhaps she is an irrepressible blue sprite no more than five inches tall who will happily lead them to their destination for free, but refuses to leave the party again unless they can provide her with a suitable dance partner for a waltz. She leads them on a wandering cross-country ramble that seemingly goes nowhere until one of the PCs complains, whereupon they have arrived.
Perhaps it is a living statue of a griffin, whose forelimbs are human arms, one male, one female, and who demands every shred of leather the party possesses as its fee. Upon payment, the PCs shrink to a tenth their original size, and the griffin-statue flies them through the yellow clouds of a violet sky to land at their destination.
Where should they end up? Someplace unexpected!
Perhaps they step into a perfectly circular tube of brown glass, 18 feet across and filled with dark liquid -- then are poured out of a bottle of brandy at your favorite Sandpoint tavern, growing to their full size before the startled eyes of the patrons.
Perhaps they are overtaken by enormous blackwood trees that engulf them -- then they stagger forth from a circle of oaks in the Whisperwood, some two miles south of town.
Perhaps they are invited to feast among a group of satyrs and maenads at a cracked stone table; if they accept, they soon drowse off and awaken fully clothed in the beds of strangers scattered across Sandpoint, to the great consternation of all involved.
Perhaps on a high hill they find a silver bell, and upon ringing it twelve times the world blurs and twists around them until they find that they have been ringing the bell in Sandpoint Cathedral.
What should they gain or lose in their journey? Anything!
Perhaps one finds that she is wearing a gold locket she never had before, containing an exquisitely detailed portrait of her long-dead parents.
Perhaps one finds he can longer remember the words to his favorite song, no matter how many times he hears it.
Perhaps one feels great sorrow whenever she sees the sun rising over the ocean, but can never explain why, not even to herself.
Perhaps one opens his pack and discovers a baby, sleeping peacefully, and knows it for his child despite having no memory of its mother.
Perhaps one finds that his hair has changed color.
Perhaps one has picked up the knack of talking with birds.
Perhaps one wakes every morning from vivid, incredibly lifelike dreams that she cannot remember beyond one single word each morning -- one word that never really makes sense until later in the day.
Once you go to the First World, all things become possible.