Pathfinder / Fighting Fantasy hybrids

Product Discussion

Sovereign Court

So basically, I was reading my old fighting fantasy gamebooks and I had an epiphany. Coming up with various pathfinder campaigns using fighting fantasy as the setting! It would start off simple, taking a small group of adventurers on pre-existing missions (e.g. going into Firetop Mountain to find the treasure of the evil warlock, Zagor, or going into Darkwood Forest to retrieve the dwarfish hammer of Stonebridge) to provide a more wider range of options, then they can be tweaked, turning the great Yaztromo from a human wizard into a tengu arcane trickster for example. The possibilities could be endless!

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Jurassic Bard wrote:
So basically, I was reading my old fighting fantasy gamebooks and I had an epiphany. Coming up with various pathfinder campaigns using fighting fantasy as the setting! It would start off simple, taking a small group of adventurers on pre-existing missions (e.g. going into Firetop Mountain to find the treasure of the evil warlock, Zagor, or going into Darkwood Forest to retrieve the dwarfish hammer of Stonebridge) to provide a more wider range of options, then they can be tweaked, turning the great Yaztromo from a human wizard into a tengu arcane trickster for example. The possibilities could be endless!

A company called Myriador had converted these into d20 books, I have a couple in hard format. Have a search around on the internet and you may save yourself a little work.

Sovereign Court

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Huh, didn't know that. I shall have to look these up some time. Myriador, you say? Would be a good place to build it up.

I didn't like the fighting fantasy gamebooks. My problem was that i couldn't keep my characters through multiple books. Would you be using the straight FF system just converted to Golarion?

^ replace the above with I did like the fighting fantasy gamebooks

Sovereign Court

I believe I would start with using the FF system to begin with, just so I had a template to work with, then by the tenth game or so I can then evolve it little by little.

Sovereign Court

Personally, I'd rather keep the characters as they are just with a pathfinder spin though there is plenty of leeway (prime example, Zagor - the warlock of firetop mountain - originally got most of his power from a deck of cards but he also had a spell book so he could easily become a wizard/bonded witch hybrid turning him into a half elf in the process).

The FF game books rescinded to exist in golarion?

Sovereign Court

Not quite sure what rescinded means, but if it means placed in Golarion then, yes. Of course, you can still have Titan as the world for your settings.

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