How do Crits work?

Rules Questions

Can someone give me a little clarification on how Crits work RAW? I'm confused about the exact time a crit happens as well as what the crit listing for weapons in the items table is for.

Every weapon has a Crit range. If the dice shows a number in that range, you threaten a crit. If you hit, you get to confirm - you roll again, this time adding every bonus you have that applies to crit confirmation rolls, and if you hit this time, you crit. On a confirmed crit, you multiply the damage by the crit multiplier. Format:
A weapon that deals 1d8 points of damage, threatens a crit in 17,18,19 and 20 and deals x3 damage on a crit will look like so: 1d8/17-20/x3.
Note that the default if nothing is written is 20/x2.


Oh whoops, didn't realize it was starfinder. May work exactly like so, may also be 200% different.


I made the same mistake, was 5 minutes into a detailed post when I realized my mistake.

I have never played Pathfinder but from reading the Starfinder CRB it seems very different.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

When you roll a 20 to hit, you automatically hit.

You then compare your to hit with the opponent's EAC or KAC, as you would normally. If it equals or exceeds, then you have scored a critical hit.

A critical hit always does double damage - specifically, you roll the damage twice, and any defences (DR or Energy resistance) is only applied to it once as all the damage is together.

If your weapon has a critical effect, then it goes off when you score a critical hit. The effect may have a save associated, in which case your target attempts that save, and if they pass then they ignore the additional effect, but not the double damage.

Some creatures are immune to Critical Hits. In this case, a 20 is still an automatic hit, but you deal only the normal damage, and no critical effects go off.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

In tactical combat, a critical hit is scored when an attack roll comes up natural 20. When this happens:

* You automatically hit regardless of the target's AC.

If the full attack roll also beats the target's KAC or EAC, as denoted by the damage type:

* Damage is rolled twice, including usual bonuses.
* You apply the critical effect of your weapon if it has one.

(See page 245 of the SFCRB.)

In terms of starship combat, a critical hit occurs when you get a natural 20 with an attack (and a 19 if your science officer took the Targeting Systems action), or if you deal damage to hull points that meet or exceed a critical threshold (CT) multiplier. In essence, every 1/5 of a ship's total hull damage you deal causes one of its systems to malfunction, making checks affecting that system harder to do.

(See page 321.)

Akvo wrote:

In terms of starship combat, a critical hit occurs when you get a natural 20 with an attack (and a 19 if your science officer took the Targeting Systems action), or if you deal damage to hull points that meet or exceed a critical threshold (CT) multiplier. In essence, every 1/5 of a ship's total hull damage you deal causes one of its systems to malfunction, making checks affecting that system harder to do.

(See page 321.)

The 1/5 part is only true for low tier ships. Every 4th tier a ships HP increases, but unless I missed it somewhere (entirely possible) the Crit threshold does not change. So higher tier ships may take more than 5 crits before they are disabled strictly due to HP damage. From limited experience I predict that crits will determine many high tier fights, especially in many vs one scenarios.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
huscarl105 wrote:
Akvo wrote:

In terms of starship combat, a critical hit occurs when you get a natural 20 with an attack (and a 19 if your science officer took the Targeting Systems action), or if you deal damage to hull points that meet or exceed a critical threshold (CT) multiplier. In essence, every 1/5 of a ship's total hull damage you deal causes one of its systems to malfunction, making checks affecting that system harder to do.

(See page 321.)

The 1/5 part is only true for low tier ships. Every 4th tier a ships HP increases, but unless I missed it somewhere (entirely possible) the Crit threshold does not change. So higher tier ships may take more than 5 crits before they are disabled strictly due to HP damage. From limited experience I predict that crits will determine many high tier fights, especially in many vs one scenarios.

On page 292:

This value is always one-fifth of the starship’s maximum number of Hull Points.

So this scales with your ship.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Related question, when you crit with a starship weapon, in addition to the critical malfunction rules, do you also roll double damage dice?

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