Interest Check for Mouseguard


Mouse Guard is an RPG based on a graphic novel series by David Petersen, with a simplified system based on Burning Wheel. You play an anthropomorphic mouse in a low-fantasy world of feudal survival, pitted against your fellow mouse, the baby-eating weasels, and giant forest animals.

I'm looking to host a PbP game here on the Paizo forums for 3-4 players. I'm also willing to host two tables of three and run them in the same setting. I own the first edition rulebook, and generally play character-driven games (I don't have a plot in mind, and I build off of what my players contribute) I love crunch, but I try to keep as much of it as possible behind the screen and out of the way of the story. You're welcome and encouraged to hunt around in my profile to get an idea of my posting habits. I will be doing so for any potential players so that I can avoid any early drop-outs.

Character building is also team/world building, so while it's okay to get an idea of what kind of mouse you want to play, nothing's set in stone until we start. Generally speaking, Mouseguard is set in a territory of loosely associated mouse settlements protected but not governed by The Guard, a collection of Knights/Rangers somewhat like King Arthur's court. The matriarch of the Guard is Gwendolyn and her view of The Guard's role in the territory is one of protection and service. To the south west is weasel territory, and there have been wars fought between the two species.

Conflict resolution is based on Success/Fail results on each of a pool of dice, compared against a threshold of successes, and skills include combat, diplomacy, profession, and knowledge in equal measure. There are single-roll conflicts as well as drawn-out conflicts, which are abstract games of rock/paper/scissors that could potentially involve any skill. It's not what skill you have, but how you propose to use it.

I'm interested

This sounds fun. I'll have to look at the rules.

Roll20 has a series. Adam Koebel as DM.

Looks interesting. I don't own the rules but would buy them if selected. I just watched the YouTube videos and really liked the character creation process and the conflict resolution mechanism it really encourages teamwork.

Anyway, I hope you get enough interest to run this.

I would definitely prefer more than three players if one is so new to the site.

IRL, Mouseguard was my first RPG. It certainly plays very differently from Pathfinder. I'm excited to discover what kind of missions the group will be equipped for.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I agree, from what I've seen, it plays differently than pathfinder. I also like how the traits, etc force you to roleplay your actions. Very nice system.

This sounds adorable. I'd love to watch/read a table play out.

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