Valrydus |

Hey everyone.
I have a session I'm running tomorrow that includes an alchemist that summons elementals (forget the archetype off the top of my head). I have already had the party fight some fire elementals but I wanted something a bit more unique so I decided on magma.
I am quite attached to the lava puddle ability and I love to use little details in the game because some of my players really like to craft or otherwise accumulate interesting items, etc. I have been flipping through the various rules pages and I cannot see anything that states that the 2ish inch deep pile of cooled lava would be sent back to the elemental plane of fire/earth with the elemental that spat it up when the spell effect ends.
I would love to essentially allow my characters to have a free "block" of what I would treat as obsidian after the fight. They may not care but it could be really interesting for those interested.
I know that I can do this no matter what as gm but at this point I'm just curious to know if I am right that nothing in RAW forbids it.
Thanks all