Spaceships: Array Weapons on Explorer Class

Rules Questions

Gentleman. Ladies. Potential hosts. It has come to my attention, that Array Type Weapons use two Weapons mounts on our fine Starships. And the Micromissile battery is such a system for relativ few Building Points (3 to be exact), which would be a nice addition for my crews of misfits Tier 1 Explorer. In the description of array weapons it states you need two weapon mounts. Does this mean I can install this

a) on two mounts like port arc (1 light), starboard arc
(1 light) for example or

b) on one mount with forward arc (2 light), which an explorer Class Ship sadly does not posses.

and if a is the case can I fire it from both ports or does it have a "primary" port, where all the little missiles bring death and destruction upon the enemies of the realm.

I think the intention is for the two mounts to be in the same firing arc.

While the explorer does not have two mounts in the front, there are rules for spending BP to add a mount to a firing arc. I think it's something like 4 BP to add a light weapon mount to an arc, 6 to add a mount to the turret. They also cap how many mounts a ship can have in an arc based on the size of the ship, so I think the micromissle battery would be all you could have in the arc until you get to something like a huge ship.

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