Step Up and Strike Wording

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I noticed something odd in the wording for the Step Up and Strike feat:

page 162 wrote:
Either way, this attack of opportunity does not count toward the number of actions you can usually take each round; it is part of the Step Up reaction.

I don't understand the reason for this wording. I realize that it's carryover from the feat with the same name in PFRPG, but in those rules, it was possible to make more than one attack of opportunity per round.

In Starfinder, an attack of opportunity is a reaction and characters get only one reaction per round. I can't find an ability, feat, or spell anywhere in the rulebook that allows a character to have more than one reaction per round. (Sidenote: That would be an excellent place to restore a Combat Reflexes feat, since it doesn't yet exist in Starfinder.)

Is the wording of Starfinder's Step Up and Strike feat implying that you can use this feat and take another attack of opportunity in the same round, or is it just clarifying that, since Step Up requires a reaction, you are still allowed to take the attack of opportunity that is stated to be part of the feat's action?

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Paris Crenshaw wrote:
Is the wording of Starfinder's Step Up and Strike feat implying that you can use this feat and take another attack of opportunity in the same round, or is it just clarifying that, since Step Up requires a reaction, you are still allowed to take the attack of opportunity that is stated to be part of the feat's action?

The second option. Because you used a reaction to activate Step Up and Strike, normally you wouldn't be able to take an AoO. However, the wording of Step Up and Strike basically says you can take that AoO either immediately, or save it for later (say to interrupt some Spellcasting). You only get 1 AoO with Step Up and Strike (and only 1 for the entire round), but you get to pick when you take it, assuming they provoke a second time.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hiruma Kai wrote:
The second option. Because you used a reaction to activate Step Up and Strike, normally you wouldn't be able to take an AoO. However, the wording of Step Up and Strike basically says you can take that AoO either immediately, or save it for later (say to interrupt some Spellcasting). You only get 1 AoO with Step Up and Strike (and only 1 for the entire round), but you get to pick when you take it, assuming they provoke a second time.

That makes sense. The wording threw me completely off when I first read it. I realized that was probably the intent as I was writing the post, but I figured I'd ask, just to make sure.

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