TheWhee |
I am currently playing through WotR as a sorcerer. I started the campaign as a follower of Pharasama due to his unyielding faith in destiny and fate. We have just finished Sword of Valor and my character has evolved in his faith to the point that he is having a crisis of faith and no longer believes as he once did. He still holds faith in dreams and omens, but has come to believe that one's destiny can be altered and has come to believe in the power of redemption. Looking through the various gods, I realize that my character has migrated from having faith in Pharasma to having faith in the domains of Desna and Serenrae equally. I am torn on which one to go with and how to actually play out the change. Unfortunately none of the other characters in the campaign serve either of those gods. We currently have a fighter who serves Torag, a rogue who is also searching for a god, and a paladin of Iomedea in the party. I can think of no IC way to have him officially convert and I cannot decide which route to take.
A little backstory of the character might help. Zojo was conceived as part of a rape during a demonic ritual and although not a tiefling, was born with glowing red eyes. This caused him to be ostracized for his entire life and has been told by everyone he knew as a child that his very existence damns him. Furthermore, an solar eclipse marked the moment of his birth. After finishing book 1, the GM has been sending him horrific dreams of what he could have become had he embraced his evil side to the point that he has begun to lose his faith in Destiny. Certain events in the book has led to him to take three characters under his wing in their path to redemption.
Fumblemunky |
Arueshalae is a devout Desnan and leading a mythic hero to her cause could go a long way towards her own redemption. Alternately, the Drezen Church (hopefully headed by Sosiel) is multi-faith and though he himself is a Shelynite he is supposed to be played as being knowledgeable of many faiths and skilled at tending to the religious needs of a multitude of people- he could point out that your views are beginning to align with a different goddesses.