Midboss57 |
OK, so takes a deep breath
- Scientist: I'd love to see a mad scientist like class that would be to Pathfinder's Alchemist what Mystic is to cleric or operative to rogue. After all, it's hard to think of a more easily transposed to sci fi class than this one. Pact World beware, Rick Sanchez is here !
- Bloodrager/sorcerer adaptation: a fun side of the sorcerer class I loved about Pathfinder was its emphasis on the bloodline and the powers it gave. I'd love to see a similar idea adapted. Afterall, dragons/angels/demons/elementals... are still out there and no doubt having dalliances with mortals.
- Paladin: the idea has already been suggested, but rather than just copy pasting the class, how about making a class who's powers and abilities specifically come from faith (variable depending on the faith in a mystic archetype type of way or a pick and mix abilities). A good inspiration could be the Sisters of Battle from 40k with their Act of Faith abilities.
Vehicles: I'm assuming that's already planned at some point, but it would be very helpful to know how vehicles scale, especially with regards to weapon damage (what do you mean you just blasted my tank with a pistol ?!!) That would include mecha, be they the utilitarian ATST or Terran Goliath to the space capable Variable Fighters or even giant biomechanical monstrosities to reclaim Damalko from the terrifying Kyokor.
That's a big one. To me, the best video game weapons are those where each weapon is unique and has some alternate fire mode that changes the way the weapon used.
Combi weapons like the good old under barrel grenade launcher or scattergun are a start (gotta be well equipped to defeat them damn swarm bugs)but more advanced multi function guns like the rifle in SW: Republic Commando that can do machine gun, sniper and grenade launcher or, if we're being crazy, the ZF-1 from 5th Element. Still the best fictional gun ever in my humble opinion.
Campaigns or supplements:
- My first choice is a supplement and campaign about colonizing a planet. Sort of to Starfinder what Kingmaker was to Pathfinder. I wanna play Alpha Centaury.
- An Intrigue based supplement with an updated debating rule set to include things like TV appearances with millions of viewers, datanet troll factories, fake news and googling your opponent's claims to prove them wrong.