BlightBurn: Talk me out of this stupid Idea

Pathfinder Society

3/5 * Venture-Agent, Ohio—Columbus

Okay, so Blightburn.


blightburn is a highly radioactive crystalline mineral that grows in isolated pockets throughout the Darklands, from Nar-Voth all the way down to Orv. When exposed to air, blightburn crystals give off a deep green glow as bright as a candle. Any creature coming into physical contact with a blightburn crystal takes 2d6 points of fire damage per round, and creatures within 60 feet of blightburn crystals are exposed to blightburn radiation. Blightburn radiation interferes with spells of the teleportation subschool. A character attempting to teleport into or out of an area of blightburn radiation must succeed at a caster level check (DC = the Fortitude save DC for the radiation) to successfully cast the spell.

Also, Blightburner Kineticist Archetype. These are both things that exist. I Really, REALLY want to make a radiation mage kineticist that fires stones of plutonium around.

However, of course, while I can go out of my way to handle the radiation sickness and would do it for the character concept, it goes out to 60 feet. Despite this series of things being legal in pathfinder society, I just can't seem to figure out any way to play it that won't make everyone at the table want to kill me personally unless I GM baby this thing high enough that I can afford to pass out a periapt of health to every team member. Even then, not everyone is gonna wanna give up the slot.

So, will someone either tell me how someone in PFS is suppose to make this work, or do me the favor and tell me that i'm not missing anything and that it's just honestly a terrible idea? Thanks in advance.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Brightburn, from your quoted text, does no damage to creatures within 60ft, just makes teleportation school spells difficult.


Effect 1d6 Con damage and 1d6 Cha damage; contact is automatic when a creature comes within a 60-foot radius, and can be blocked only by lead sheeting, 1 foot of stone, or a force effect; Cure 2 consecutive saves nc/blightburn-sickness/

So... In theory...
You could keep it in a rope trick, handy haversack, portable hole etc.

And then only turn it inside out when needed... Or just open the hole pointed in their direction...

Me likes.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Pouch sounds like a perfect container.

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