What happened to the PCs? (spoilers maybe)

Strange Aeons

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I've read through the AP and the threads on here, but I must be missign something, so perhaps you could help out a GM.

What happened to the PCs to make them turn? I understand that they don't remember the past five or so years. Somehow, they made their respective ways to Thrusmoor, and there entered the service of Lowls. Something made them turn to the bad and work for Lowls for an extended period. Does anyone know what that might be, or where I should look to find it?

Thanks in advance!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The background is kept deliberately vague, the thought being that players can reclaim the agency they lost in starting with amnesia by perhaps making the determination for themselves when they do regain their memories. The two heavy implications though are that the PCs were either *already* bad people, perhaps only good now because of the 'benefit' of starting with a clean slate; and that some may have been held as slaves by Lowls--perhaps reinforced by magical compulsion or Leng technology, or else simply felt they had no choice but to obey.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Ah, OK - thanks very much!

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