Minute, But Interesting Rules Differences in Starfinder

General Discussion

Liberty's Edge Contributor

As I read through my subscription PDF, I'm noticing some interesting changes from Pathfinder to Starfinder. I figured I'd start a discussion thread to point them out.

The one that prompted this post is in the Conditions section. The Paralyzed condition not specifically states that a character is not considered to be helpless (and is instead treated as if it has a Dexterity modifier of -5). The interesting thing about this is that this means it is not possible to conduct a coup de grace against a paralyzed character in Starfinder.

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There's also this thread you can check out.

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Not sure how minute it is, but it seems to have been overlooked quite a lot: full actions (including full attacking, which you still want to do as much as possible) eat your swift action as well, now. It is impossible to draw a weapon and full attack with it, even with Quick Draw (which now uses a swift action).

Liberty's Edge Contributor

sunderedhero wrote:
There's also this thread you can check out.

Thanks for pointing it out, sunderedhero. Better to keep things in one thread, and they've already addressed the coup de grace and full action points in the one you linked.

I've flagged this one as a "double post" so the admins will delete it.

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