New Player Interview Document

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hey all. Not quite sure if this is the correct forum to post this, but I wanted to share a resource that I modified/created for interviewing new players for campaign recruitment.

I have been fairly active on the Pathfinder RPG subreddit and on the Paizo forums for a while and have picked up on a lot of stories about horrible players, DMs, etc., and one of the best tools for vetting new players that I've come across is the "New Player Interview" by Carl Fowkes (Frieth). I am currently looking to take on a fresh group (see here if interested), and I took it upon myself to make the questions more thorough and organized.

Here it is. Feel free to use this in your own groups. Also feel free to modify or change it to your own needs, but please do leave the acknowledgements section at the end intact.

The questions are deliberately very general and aimed at "I want to DM a Paizo adventure path," but you could easily implement questions like "how do you feel about homebrew?", "how do you feel about x system?", "how do you feel about gestalt?", etc. Like I said, feel free to use, modify, and distribute.

I am open to suggestions for other questions that are important. Thanks in advance.

Looks good. Off the top of my head it needs:

Page numbers

Player Contact Information

Room to answer the questions (or use form fields if filled out online)

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