Stealth in Wild Shape Questions

Rules Questions

I am planning on a level 8 druid character and am trying to assemble a few defaults for wild shape, but I am having trouble backtracking where the individual stats for various animals come from.

I have no experience with using wild shape whatsoever, so I am a little unsure, could you check whether the following statements and conclusions are correct?

Let's say she assume the form of a viper.
1) The cloak of elvenkind and the belt of incredible dexterity would stay in effect, as they are constant effect items.
2) The stealth bonus for a default viper are composed as follows: 3 dexterity bonus + 8 size tiny + 4 racial = +15. Consequently a default viper has no ranks in stealth.
3) If my character assumed the shape of a viper the resulting stealth score would be:

  • 8 ranks
  • 3 class skill (due to silent hunter trait)
  • 1 trait bonus from silent hunter
  • 8 size
  • 4 circumstance competence bonus due to cloak of elvenkind
  • 8 dexterity bonus (20 Dex default + 2 belt of incredible dexterity + 4 beast shaped into tiny animal = 26 Dex)
  • No bonus from the natural stealth +4 quality an actual viper has

Which would sum up to +32 and she could speak a Blend she could get another +4 enhancement bonus for a +36 if she wanted to. Due to to Natural Spell and the fact that the spell only has somatic components she can do so even while already in a viper shape.

The cloak of elvenkind is a competence bonus, not a circumstance bonus. Blend gives a circumstance bonus, not an enhancement bonus.

Aside from that, you are correct.

Thanks. :)

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