Timeline and related questions

General Discussion

I have been searching for some general timeline info but haven't found it and was hoping that I could be filled in or pointed in the right direction if it has been released.

1. Has any type of basic timeline for events been released?

2. Do we have any idea how long it has been since the drift drive was gifted to the races by Triune?

3. As I understand it, drift technology was granted before the war against the Veskarium Empire and that war lasted centuries until the swarm arrived. Is that correct and do we have any idea how long the swarm war lasted and how long ago it ended? It did end, correct?

4. Since the two game systems are different, have we been told whether or not the technology in Starfinder (weapons and armor and others) is similar in power level to that produced by Androffa?


1. No.
2. As far as I heard, 300 years or so.
3. The drift was granted almost immediately after the Gap ended.
4. Guns scale based on level. The highest level shown gun so far dealt 10d10 damage per shot. A power hammer dealing 14d10 per smack was also confirmed.

Mashallah wrote:

1. No.

2. As far as I heard, 300 years or so.
3. The drift was granted almost immediately after the Gap ended.
4. Guns scale based on level. The highest level shown gun so far dealt 10d10 damage per shot. A power hammer dealing 14d10 per smack was also confirmed.


Regarding 4., that doesn't exactly answer my question, it is the point of my question. Since the systems are different are we supposed to assume that the 14d10 power hammer in SF is far more powerful than the 3d6 chainsaw from PF's technology guide or is the difference due to the systems being different? IOW, is the technology supposed to be inferior, comparable, or superior to that of Androffa?

Well, Androffan energy weapons all deal the same damage as primitive steel Weapons, but Pact Worlds energy weapons can deal way more damage (while some deal as much as Androffan weapons). So I say that Pact Worlds tech is better than Androffan tech, with Androffan tech being the equivalent of level 1 - 3 Pact Worlds tech.

In both Starfinder and Pathfinder a Longsword deals 1d8,

All Androffan energy pistols deals 1d8 points of damage as well.

A level 1 Pact Worlds energy pistol deals 1d6 points of damage, but higher level pistols can deal way more.

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As far as we know, there's actually 2 weapons at least that do 1d810. The Sarcesian's Sniper Rifle from First Contact is one. The second one is the advanced melee weapon: "Plasma Sword. Shock Truncheon. Pulse Gauntlet. Fangblade. Monowhip. Cryopike. Tactical Doshko. Swoop Hammer. Devastation Blade. Repeller staff."

Sources: First Contact for the Sniper Rifle, and this post: here for the second.

Note: The first is a typo, the second is a joke about the first. In case it wasn't clear.

Scarab Sages

The entire math of the system has changed. That 14d10 swoop hammer is a 20th level weapon. It's on par with a pathfinder +5 holy avenger. It's also worth noting that I'm pretty sure the hammer was unwieldy, so no full attacks. Is that more powerful than the 3d6 chainsword? Probably, because iterative attacks are no longer in the game, and neither are enchancement bonuses. But the 10d19 sword that you can full attack with is going to be more powerful than the hammer, even though it does less damage.

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