Edward Sobel |

Ok I searched all over, but when did the tribal scars feat change to eliminate the +6 hp?
and I noticed that the Adventurer's guide (the source for the feat) is not even listed in the available resources for PFS anymore.
is this feat even PFS legal?, can someone help me find when are where this feat changed?

Edward Sobel |

Ahh so that's why. I must have first saw it in People of the North then when I looked it up today, I saw adventurer's guide and thought "Oh I must have gotten the wrong reference"
Thanks. bad part is, I can't change my PFS character as he is now level 3 with the original feat, and I mainly took it for the bonus HP.

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Feats and Traits: If a feat or trait changes or is removed from the Additional Resources list, you have two options: You can switch the old feat for an updated feat of the same name in another legal source (if available), ignoring any prerequisites of the new feat you do not meet, or you can replace the feat (and any of the old feat’s prerequisite feats) entirely with another feat for which you meet all the prerequisites. If any of the feat’s changes directly reference one or more pieces of equipment you own (such as the weapon selected for the Weapon Focus feat), you can sell back that equipment at full market value.

Edward Sobel |

Wait a sec, If the adventurer's guide is not available then we cannot use the updated feat right? and since People of the North lists all feats available for play.
PFS characters have to use the old version since the new version is in a non-legal book... right?
I am just trying to hold onto the past.... :)

GM Lamplighter |

If the loss of 6hp breaks your character, retrain the feat if it officially changes for PFS (when Adventurer's Guide is added to the AR). I suggest that a single +1 to AC is more valuable than 6hp are (at any level past one), so it sounds like you're past the need for it anyway.
Corollary, not to the OP but generally: If a single feat change breaks your character, your character may have been broken* for PFS to begin with.