Stealth, darkness and a whip

Rules Questions

Hey, I wanted to ask a few questions concerning the stealth, darkness and using a whip.

1. When using a whip, do I threaten characters in my 15ft. range or only if I'm adjacent to them? (For flanking purposes)

2. Is there any way, (feats or others) to counter ''A whip deals no damage to any creature with an armor bonus of +1 or higher or a natural armor bonus of +3 or higher.'' and does it include sneak attack damage (or does it only negate the initial whip damage, THEN add the sneak attack damage)?

3. If I lower the ambiant light level to darkness (or lower) and considering that I would have darkvision and my opponent would not (so he's considered blinded and I have total concealment from him (he doesnt have scent, etc.)), if I then use the stealth skill to move silently and then attack with my whip (and thus ending my stealth), could my opponent make a perception check to try locating me (by sound?) after my move action is finished (no sound from walking but maybe from the whip?) also would my attack with my whip give him my exact location (or a general location)?

4. If I use the stealth skill and then attack with my said whip, can it qualify for the ''sniping'' part of the stealth skill or does my stealth just end for that turn?

As you can probably tell, I think of trying to make a rogue that uses a whip for the most part so if you have any advice that could help me concerning feats, multiclassing,builds, etc. it would help me a lot if you shared your own knowledge and experiences. :)

Thank you in advance for answering my questions and helping me. :D

Grand Lodge

1. A whip doesn't threaten, unless you have feats that change this.

2. I believe the Whip Mastery feat does this, or you can use a scorpion whip. If you can't damage a creature with your weapon, you don't do any sneak attack damage.

3. Your opponent knows which direction the attack came from. He can make a Perception check to pinpoint your square, opposed to your Stealth.

4. Yes, you could snipe with a whip, in a situation (such as you describe) where you have concealment or cover to make a Stealth check.

Thank you very much for your answers and your time! :D

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