Occultist Magic Circles - How does it work?

Rules Questions

I originally asked part of this question in another thread, but I thought it better to create a new thread since they're actually different questions entirely.

Here's the ability's description:

Occult Adventures wrote:

At 8th level, an occultist learns how to draw magic circles. To draw a circle, he must have chalk, salt, blood, powdered silver, or some other appropriate substance at hand (although he can press a magic circle into a softer surface such as dirt or clay). Drawing a circle takes 1 minute and requires the occultist to expend 1 point of mental focus (either generic focus or focus from any one of his implements). Once completed, this circle functions as a permanent magic circle against any alignment of the occultist’s choosing. The circle can’t be against a component of the occultist’s alignment (if he is lawful good, for example, it can’t be a magic circle against good or law). The circle remains until its form is physically broken (for example, if the lines are smeared or the salt is scattered).

Only a living creature can break the circle; environmental effects can’t break it. An occultist can have only one circle created in this way at a time. If he creates a second circle, the first one loses all its magic powers. This type of magic circle can’t normally be focused inward to bind an outsider.

So, how does this actually work? It states that the circle "functions as" Magic Circle against, say, Evil, but what does that mean? That's like saying "this fork functions as Stoneskin"; one's a physical object, the other's a spell.
The way I interpreted that is that this ritual of drawing a circle is essentially equivalent to a casting of Magic Circle against Evil, so the Occultist touches a creature who then emanates a 10-ft. aura of protection until the circle is physically broken. The creature need not remain anywhere near the physical circle.
The way I've seen it interpreted elsewhere, though, is that the physical circle itself defines the limits of the protective aura which would make it extremely different from the spell in a way that's not entirely clear from the description.

If it's the latter option, then how big is the physical circle and thus the protective aura of the Magic Circle? If we assume that it's essentially the same as the spell, it would be 10 ft in radius. However, that doesn't really make sense once Fast Circles comes online which allows the Occultist to draw a circle as a full-round action. If the circle is 10 ft in radius, that's a lot of running around (possibly more than even a Run action would allow you) and would potentially even allow the Occultist to draw a Binding Circle around a foe. It's comical, but doesn't seem like the intended way.
But if the circle and the corresponding aura are very small, small enough to fit in a square, then surely, the ability would say so? That would be a huge change from how the spell functions. Or maybe the circle is very small, but the protective aura, emanating from the center of the circle, is still 10 ft in radius?

I would be very glad if somebody could explain to me how it's supposed to work or how they would handle it, preferably with rule or FAQ references.

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I read it and I think it's in the designer's intent to the physical circle itself defines the limits of the protective aura and the circle works where it is not specifically stated in the same way of the spell (for example the duraction).

I agree that make a 3 meter radius circle in 6 seconds is really hard...but nothing prevent you (for sake of avoid weird scenarios) to use a stick, staff or every other tool to extend your possibility to drawn the circle without moving all the square you have to.

Using a tool to draw the circle doesn't really work unless you're on soft ground or just have a really long paintbrush. And if the intention is that the Occultist must leave their square to draw the circle, then that's surely something that the description would have to state, right?
Heck, maybe the Occultist is just so good that he can throw whatever stuff he uses to draw the circle in the air and it settles into a perfect magic circle with a radius of 10 ft.
Anyway, thanks for your input. I doubt we'll get an official answer on this, so this sounds like something I'll just have to hash out with my GM. Although I do wonder how it's handled in PFS.

Shadow Lodge

Nixitur wrote:
Heck, maybe the Occultist is just so good that he can throw whatever stuff he uses to draw the circle in the air and it settles into a perfect magic circle with a radius of 10 ft.

Fast Circles is a 16th level power. Of course a 16th level Occultist is that good.

For comparison, an 18th level alchemist can make any alchemical item as a full round action.

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