Playable Character Promos in the future?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

I was thinking about Wrath of the Righteous, and whether or not it will have a playable character promo like we have with Ranzak for Skull and Shackles. If we do get one(please oh powers that be)what kind of a character would you want?

For me, I liked that we just got a playable Goblin and would enjoy a race not in the usual pool(human, elf, dwarf, Halfling, gnome). The other day I came across an npc from Wotr: Arushalae .She appears to be a succubus(or at least part), and her fabulous artwork would be(I think anyway)wasted as an ally card which would be cut off at the waist or higher.

What do you all think? If you could have any race as a playable character what would you want?

Sovereign Court

While I doubt this had anything to do with Paizo's choices in making Ranzak, I like that he is a mix of major parts of the last path, and the new. Goblins were big in Runelords, and Pirates in Shackles. I think it'd be cool to have another character that merges a big piece of the last set and the next (S&S/WotR)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

WotR Spoilers:
Arushalae is a major component of the adventure path, and is intended to support the party for a while. It would not shock me if WotR has some sort of super allies received as loot, and Arushalae would be a prime candidate.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
[x] is a major component of the adventure path...

Anything that's a major component of the Adventure Path is going to appear in the main product line! Promo cards are for fun stuff that's not important to the story (and usually not even part of the story).

So does that mean we'll be getting a promo card ally that has nothing to do with the story ? ;)(wink wink nudge nudge).

Grand Lodge

ChaoticBlue wrote:
So does that mean we'll be getting a promo card ally that has nothing to do with the story ? ;)(wink wink nudge nudge).

Mogmurch ... one of initial promos for S&S. (He's from We Be Goblins module). Sorta like Poog from RotR promos.

The Exchange

Did some of you know if their LGS recieved the "Mogmurch" promo card?

Grand Lodge

dragonvan wrote:
Did some of you know if their LGS recieved the "Mogmurch" promo card?

Promo cards are not distributed through your LGS. Primary source is by way of a subscription. There are lots of threads on this topic.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
ChaoticBlue wrote:
So does that mean we'll be getting a promo card ally that has nothing to do with the story ? ;)(wink wink nudge nudge).
Mogmurch ... one of initial promos for S&S. (He's from We Be Goblins module). Sorta like Poog from RotR promos.

I'm sorry, I meant playable character promo.

The Exchange

Gaby Weidling wrote:
This month, along with Paizo's July product releases, retailers should be receiving a packet officially announcing the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Organized Play program, and to make sure we got their attention, we stuffed it with copies of the second S&S promo card, the goblin ally Mogmurch. So tell your retailer to keep an eye out for it, and let them know you want one of those promo cards!

It come from the July 23th Paizo blog.

The Exchange

Vic Wertz wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
[x] is a major component of the adventure path...
Anything that's a major component of the Adventure Path is going to appear in the main product line! Promo cards are for fun stuff that's not important to the story (and usually not even part of the story).

So is that confirmation that we will be getting Varian Jeggare and Radovan promos for WotR? King of Chaos baby!!!!!

Sovereign Court

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
dragonvan wrote:
Did some of you know if their LGS recieved the "Mogmurch" promo card?
Promo cards are not distributed through your LGS. Primary source is by way of a subscription. There are lots of threads on this topic.

Incorrect. Retailers do get a certain number of copies of the promo cards as well. Retailers received their August cards in their July Paizo shipments (I know mine definitely got theirs).

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Andrew K wrote:
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
dragonvan wrote:
Did some of you know if their LGS recieved the "Mogmurch" promo card?
Promo cards are not distributed through your LGS. Primary source is by way of a subscription. There are lots of threads on this topic.
Incorrect. Retailers do get a certain number of copies of the promo cards as well. Retailers received their August cards in their July Paizo shipments (I know mine definitely got theirs).

Only partially correct :-P.

Retailers only get access to SOME of the promo cards... subscribers get all of them.

Sovereign Court

Since when? My local shop got everything for Runelords

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
[x] is a major component of the adventure path...
Anything that's a major component of the Adventure Path is going to appear in the main product line! Promo cards are for fun stuff that's not important to the story (and usually not even part of the story).

Sorry, this was the point I was grasping for. CB was concerned that Arushalae would be 'just an ally', my spoiler was designed to pointing it elsewhere to the core of the special mechanics

Andrew K wrote:
Since when? My local shop got everything for Runelords

Are you sure they got all eight? Supposedly Fire Sneeze was only given out at conventions and to subscribers. Aside from that one, yes, retailers should have been able to get all of them. So far Goblin Keelhaulin' is the only promo announced for the new set that is not easily obtainable for retailers as it is a convention promo like Fire Sneeze, but there are three more that haven't been announced yet. Some may be easy for retailers to get, like Dance with Squealy Nord in the old set (since many retailers get Game Trade Magazine), but it's never a guarantee. It's even possible that a distributer might accidentally not send a regular retailer promo out with a local store's order.

The only way to 100% make sure you get all of the promo cards is to subscribe, which I ended up doing just to be safe since my store owner hasn't told me that he got the OP announcement pack with Mogmurch yet. Since I also want to support my local store, I'll just be eBaying the second copies of decks, treating whatever loss I end up taking on the resell as me paying for the promo cards.

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So I am just going to call a playable Shark Paladin as the promo for WotR. It follows the theme, if you can call it a theme after only one occurrence. Goblins were a larger part of RotR, and pirates a large part of S&S, so a Goblin Pirate. Now, we have sharks being mentioned as a large part of S&S, and the battle between good and evil in WotR, so, basically Shark Paladin. Obviously joking here, but I could see something fun in this same vein.

Sovereign Court

Ah, probably not Fire Sneeze then. All I know is that my shop knows that my buying the game there is based on getting the promo cards. Convention cards I'm fine getting on eBay, I'm actually subscribing for the Character Add-On deck to make sure I get all the initials (never did get Ranzak on Free RPG Day). I'll keep it going just in case my local shop every misses a card.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erixian wrote:
So I am just going to call a playable Shark Paladin as the promo for WotR. It follows the theme, if you can call it a theme after only one occurrence. Goblins were a larger part of RotR, and pirates a large part of S&S, so a Goblin Pirate. Now, we have sharks being mentioned as a large part of S&S, and the battle between good and evil in WotR, so, basically Shark Paladin. Obviously joking here, but I could see something fun in this same vein.


I'd always figured I'd end my subscription after S&S - I'll have plenty of content, and WotR doesn't particularly excite me.

A playable Shark Paladin would probably change my mind...

Dark Archive

I assumed they would stay with their mascot goblin theme for most of the promos,I'm hoping for a goblin paladin.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Mike Selinker wrote:
Erixian wrote:
So I am just going to call a playable Shark Paladin as the promo for WotR. It follows the theme, if you can call it a theme after only one occurrence. Goblins were a larger part of RotR, and pirates a large part of S&S, so a Goblin Pirate. Now, we have sharks being mentioned as a large part of S&S, and the battle between good and evil in WotR, so, basically Shark Paladin. Obviously joking here, but I could see something fun in this same vein.

They could totally do a shark Paladin within the rules of the RPG even... there is a race called Skinwalkers that are essentially half-lycanthropes... there is a shark-based version that they could easily stat up into a Paladin.

Seascarred Skinalker

spinningdice wrote:
I assumed they would stay with their mascot goblin theme for most of the promos,I'm hoping for a goblin paladin.

A goblin Paladin would definately be funny, and a shark Paladin would be cool, but I think a reformed Sucubus Paladin would be RIGHTEOUS ; ).

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16


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Sovereign Court

Promo or not --- Anti Paladin. That is all.

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Perhaps a Goblin Warpriest ; ) ?

The Exchange

cartmanbeck wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:
Erixian wrote:
So I am just going to call a playable Shark Paladin as the promo for WotR. It follows the theme, if you can call it a theme after only one occurrence. Goblins were a larger part of RotR, and pirates a large part of S&S, so a Goblin Pirate. Now, we have sharks being mentioned as a large part of S&S, and the battle between good and evil in WotR, so, basically Shark Paladin. Obviously joking here, but I could see something fun in this same vein.

They could totally do a shark Paladin within the rules of the RPG even... there is a race called Skinwalkers that are essentially half-lycanthropes... there is a shark-based version that they could easily stat up into a Paladin.

Seascarred Skinalker

There is also already a ppm for a wereshark and wereshark captain :)

I'm hopping to someday have a whole set of goblin characters. Having an all goblin party is a silly custom built campaign would be awesome.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Arikiel wrote:
I'm hopping to someday have a whole set of goblin characters. Having an all goblin party is a silly custom built campaign would be awesome.

Thistletop is in danger of being overrun by humans and elves. You must save the goblin folk from these intruders!

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