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I know that Starfinder is the "new thing" but can we please have more pathfinder content for those of us who don't love sci-fi?

The early days of the blog, every product got the same treatment the starfinder core rulebook is: we would hear about backmatter articles in AP adventures months in advance, and those talking about them would be excited about the "dragon part of the dragon and dungeon in one product". When was the last time we had a blog about something in the backmatter of an AP?
March 29 some people may comment that doesn't even count, as it was an aside, and wasn't even to get people excited about backmatter. Icouldn't even tell you what was in the backmatter of any APs since reign of winter/mummies mask - as those were the last times there area a real blog entry on backmatter. I can still tell you the backmatter of each of the first 12 issues though, because they ALL had multiple blogs about their content.

When was the Last time a Pathfinder Chronicles (edit pathfinder campaign setting) product had a blog about them? Feb 24th

Player companion? March 17th

Can we have more of the hype that made the blog something I looked foreward to daily?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You're subscribed to PF lines already, what do you need the marketing for?


I'm a visual learner.... the blog pictures let me link the articles be talked about to the product in my headspace so I can locate them easier later. Yes, I can do the same thing by actually reading them, but when you have a backlog of over 100 products to read, I'd like to know what one I should be excited to be reading next. Right now I flip through and read the introduction, and then it goes on a shelf until needed/next on the list.

It just feels like neglect on both parties parts, but it's not my job to get myself interested in a book. To be honest, I'm planning on canceling some subscriptions later this year do to this lack of getting me excited over them.

Gorbacz wrote:
You're subscribed to PF lines already, what do you need the marketing for?

To play devil's advocate...

1} Maintaining interest. In my case, my AP books immediately go on a shelf. I don't sneak-peak inside. That's my own fault, but if there was a blog as the OP mentions, I might discover there's something useful to me - right now - in one of those APs. That increases their value, which prevents me from cancelling.

2} Exposure for others. While he (and I, and you) already subscribe, others don't.

3} Cross-marketing. As in #1, having an in-my-face reminder of what's in one book may encourage me to buy related items I don't have subscriptions for.

I'm not saying #1 or #2 are actually issues for me, personally, but I can see the logic.

Community & Digital Content Director

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We've had some discussion about this very topic in the office actually. The launch of Starfinder is a huge deal for us, but we're going to be tinkering to find a bit more balance. Thank you for bringing this up! We hope you end up liking what we come up with :)


Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Player companion? March 17th

Update: Today!

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