New to Adventure Card Guild

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Hi everyone,

I've been playing through all of the base games of Pathfinder ACG with a few friends and we are now beginning to play through the seasonal content. I'd like to log our sessions online through but I have never done this before and was hoping an experience game coordinator could help me out. If this is in the wrong forum I apologize but I wasn't sure where to go :(

I had a few questions.

I figured out how to create an event and link it to a specific scenario but had a few issues.

1) After creating the event I tried adding all the players using their paizo number and character number but when I complete the session the session doesn't mark itself as complete or close. Do I need to flag it for this?

2) When I fill in the characters in I'm used to being able to find a PDF chronicle sheet. I can only find blank ones, does the system generate one after reporting?

3) Any other tips and tricks for someone new to the reporting system.


1) I believe you need to put in the date and scenario for it to save properly. Otherwise it doesn't.

2) Because PFSRPG chronicle sheets give very specific rewards, and because PFSACG rewards are very simple, you can fit 6 PFSACG scenarios onto a single sheet. That's why you can only find blank chronicles.

3) The reporting system is a little limited - you can't fill out the adventure deck number for example - but it should be good enough. The chronicle sheets are still the official source of record (as they are for PFSRPG).

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