GenCon 50 Event Registration Experience

Pathfinder Society


Paizo Facebook is full of PaizoCon.
I don't do twitter ....

Sent my wish list at high noon.
Accepted at 12:03.
Processing ....
I'm number 1501! not bad!


12:10 ....
83 tickets left to Starfinder Society: #1-00: Claim to Salvation
Hope I get one


Tickets for Starfinder Society: #1-00: Claim to Salvation

Are All Gone!

And I'm still 259th in line.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah same here, started at 3800 in line. SF seems like it will be popular this year. I am hoping they open up more slots!

Dark Archive 4/5

Yeah, all the Starfinder stuff sold out, so did the 12-15 special, got everything else I wanted for me and the crew though.
Trying to pick up off slot stuff now, and not having much luck.

Dark Archive 4/5

People are definitely speaking Tonya, we need more slots for the 12-15 special, and more Starfinder!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Got all of my wish list except part 1 of Tyranny of Winds. Got prats 2 & 3 though. Part 1 is sold out in all time slots. I guess we can chance it with generics. Is there someone at Paizo we can petition them to add more tables of part 1?

Grand Lodge 3/5

Couldnt register since i havent gotten the badge from paizo yet and the one thing i am going to gencon for sold out

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah this really sucked. Submitted at 1201 and every starfinder event gone. Demand must be huge as those 150 person events were gone in an instant.

Please add more!!!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

There was no way to know what the demand for Starfinder would be, so the schedule was created as best as possible. Unfortunately, Gen Con registration opened at the same time as PaizoCon this year so it is unlikely that Paizo will have the availability/access to request a shift in ticket availability until Tuesday at the earliest.

That being said, for those of us who did not get into a Starfinder game, we'll have to keep an eye out for cancellations and possibly additional availability. There are also the Demos which will be running throughout the convention in the exhibit hall, as we as the Quests which will run during most slots in the Sagamore ballroom. Neither of those is a ticketed event so you can just walk up and play, though if registration is any indication, the wait time for an available seat/table will be long.

Dark Archive 4/5

Dear, sweet, Bob.

Think you can nudge toward's more tables of the 12-15? Those all sold out as well, super high demand!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

I guess what is the demand for Stafinder. Is it the Quest? Is it the scenarios? Is it the special?


Paizo Twitter wrote:

Wow! I guess quite a few people were excited to play #StarfinderRPG at #gencon50. We'll take a look at our schedule and see what we can do!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I assume you cannot hold tickets in your cart forever. Anyone know what the expiry on that is if people don't pay for the tickets in the cart? Some tickets may get freed at that point

Grand Lodge 3/5

arthurthearcher wrote:
Got all of my wish list except part 1 of Tyranny of Winds. Got prats 2 & 3 though. Part 1 is sold out in all time slots. I guess we can chance it with generics. Is there someone at Paizo we can petition them to add more tables of part 1?

I'll be arriving early Wednesday morning, so I can run part 1 if need be.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Erithtotl wrote:
I assume you cannot hold tickets in your cart forever. Anyone know what the expiry on that is if people don't pay for the tickets in the cart? Some tickets may get freed at that point

2 hours after the last activity on the GenCon website.

But I would wait too long.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Sin of Asmodeus wrote:
Think you can nudge toward's more tables of the 12-15? Those all sold out as well, super high demand!

We can consider it, but it would mean cancelling other events which are not selling (too early to determine that) as well as finding willing/capable GMs to run them. GMing 12+ is not something most wanna do, especially at Gen Con.

This year is the most challenging we're ever had for scheduling events and it is likely that some are just going to be sold out. With the addition of Starfinder, expansion of ACG and PSA, as well as maintaining a healthy PFS schedule, we are still limited by (1) the size of the room, and (2) receiving enough volunteers to GM the events. At this time, we are still short more than 160 GM slots in order to run all the tables as scheduled. Combine that with [almost] all the Tier 1/2 slots with the hotel room reward being gone, and we need at least 30 more volunteers to step up. Otherwise, we are at risk of cancelling tables rather than shifting tickets based on demand.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

WOW. That is sobering....

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Gary Bush wrote:
I guess what is the demand for Stafinder. Is it the Quest? Is it the scenarios? Is it the special?

Everything is sold out, so all of the above

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Well for the quests there were only 2 events before the release. Would this mean more dedicated quest tables will be added?

I know I am running quests for the whole Con, but those, as I understand it now, are for walk-up people.

Don't really expect a definite answer right now. Just too soon!

But I see this as a GREAT thing for SFS and I am looking forward to being on the ground floor of it.

Sovereign Court 3/5

Wow, just took a look at the schedule and SUPER impressed at how fast SFS sold out. Bummed I'm going to have to look for cancellations, but that's really exciting!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Gary Bush wrote:
Would this mean more dedicated quest tables will be added?

Unlikely, but possible. Again, the issue at the moment isn't changing ticket availability, it is having the GMs to run them. It doesn't help to cancel 100 tables of PFS and switch them to SFS is we don't have the GMs to run them. And its not as simple as to just switch the schedules of existing GMs. Many people don't want to run Starfinder, and those that do could already be responsible for 3, 4, 5, or in extreme cases more different scenarios to prep. Adding an SFS table to their PFS schedule is asking them to prep yet another different thing. And this is especially challenging this year because they cannot even become familiar with the rules, let alone the specifics of the scenario until they are released by Paizo.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying ticket adjusting is not going to happen. I'm sure it will. We just cannot react emotionally (because everyone is excited about Starfinder) or too quickly before we are sure the system can accommodate the changes. Not getting an event ticket can be frustrating, but it is much better than getting a ticket only to find out a few weeks before Gen Con that we cannot support the table due to a lack of GMs and have to cancel it.

Please be patient

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, 4 tickets opened for the thursday 2pm quest pack and I grabbed 2.

Keep searching folks, stuff will open up as people re-arrange schedules

Dark Archive 4/5

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I want you and the other guys to know we appreciate you. Emotionally it's Gen Con, its a new system, ITS A HIGH LEVEL MODWOWOWOWWOOO.
But we appreciate you guys for all you do.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Sin of Asmodeus wrote:


I want you and the other guys to know we appreciate you. Emotionally it's Gen Con, its a new system, ITS A HIGH LEVEL MODWOWOWOWWOOO.
But we appreciate you guys for all you do.

This exactly, there are so many people who to experience what SFS and PFS have to offer, thanks for trying to make it happen!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Sin of Asmodeus wrote:

People are definitely speaking Tonya, we need more slots for the 12-15 special, and more Starfinder!


Isn't 8-25 (lvls 12-15) and actual senario not a special per se?

Nate Meyers


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Sin of Asmodeus wrote:

People are definitely speaking Tonya, we need more slots for the 12-15 special, and more Starfinder!


Add my request for the above to your request!

I submitted at noon, was 4800th-ish, and yep, the 12-15 Special and every Starfinder scenario were sold out. Those were high up on my priority list, too. Cut-throat competition fershizzle nephew! Gonna keep looking and keeping hope!
There needs to be GenCon seminars on Secrets to Becoming a VIG, Secrets to Getting On-Premise Housing, and Secrets to Successfully Getting Your Gaming Requests. Just sayin'.

Grand Lodge

This year I was number 6837 in the list and needless to say, 5 of my 10 choices were sold out including the slot for the 12-15 I chose(Sat 2-7pm). After my wish list finished processing, I immediately noted the empty time slots I had and went back to the Event Finder for an alternate 12-15 special slot. It was somewhat slow going, but there were 3 different times that had openings and I got a ticket for the 8am-1pm Friday slot. Ironically, my other 4 missed events, they all eventually had people drop tickets from their cart. I ultimately ended up getting in everything from my wishlist. :)

I was 4400 but still got the SFS Quests Thursday morning. That was the only one I was looking for due to my work schedule. Lots of PFS special games open still but I have to GM other games those slots.

Dark Archive 4/5

Any idea if any organization changes will happen to add more 8-25 or star finder slots?

The Exchange 3/5

Also still looking for a 8-25 ticket.


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Sin of Asmodeus wrote:
Any idea if any organization changes will happen to add more 8-25 or starfinder slots?

I've read that they are looking into it. Problem #1, fixed number of tables in the Sagamore ballroom means dropping tables of one event to add to another. Problem #2, Tonya is currently at the UK Games Expo eating a bunch of junk food. See Tonya's PFS Facebook page.

While I'm as anxious and disappointed as the next person, it looks like it's going to be another week before there is any movement on the backlog of GenCon issues.

Dark Archive 4/5

Swift, I don't follow a lot of people's facebook pages. I'm a bit.. unstably chaotic as I'm sure you know from the times we have played from Greyhawk to Pathfinder 8)

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I don't follow Fakebook At. All.

If I did, I'd obsess over it, lose my job, lose my residence, and be out on the street in short order, and unable to attend things like GenCon (I steadfastly refuse to 'HoboCon'.)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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I don't facebook either. Paizo boards are addicting enough.*

Bob, if you guys okay it... I've volunteered to shift some of my PSA tables to PSA Starfinder -- In other words, run the Starfinder Quests but for kids and families, so that the young ones can try Starfinder too.

I would not mind being shifted to SFS, especially if I could still GM for the kiddos. I'm sure that there are other GMs who might be willing to shift campaigns to help out.


* In my case, it's probably a good thing that the Paizo goblins hit the server so often. Enforced breaks where I ignore the boards and remember to go off and do real life!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

At this time, there are no official plans to add Starfinder to PSA. That being said, I'm sure it will be considered.

Like our "normal" events, in order to offer PSA Starfinder, we would need to cancel existing tables and replace them with SF. If we did that, it would be based on ticket sales (our driving metric for demand) including on-site ticket sales which I believe were the highest with PSA last year. As we are not completely filled with PSA GMs yet, changing table assignments is tricky especially when you add the element of a new system and many have expressed not wanting to GM either because they don't feel there will be enough time to learn the rules or because they are not interested in SciFi RPGs.

Logistically, PSA takes an additional level of preparation with the instruction packets, support pamphlets and such. With the workload already in the pipeline of scenarios, APs, ancillary support product, and the final touches to the PF PSA documents, I don't know there is time in the calendar to add another product. PSA is something that we take very seriously and want to make it "right" not just available. Between the Demos and the Quests, there should be ample opportunity to "test flight" the Starfinder system, youth and adult alike even if we do not have official Starfinder PSA.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Is it just me, or do the ticket sales make it seem that Paizo has outgrown the Sagamore Ballroom? That's just incredible.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

I don't want to add another product per se... But there are PSA tables of regular scenarios. I have Confirmation and Sewer Dragons of Absalom as PSA tables. I'm talking having SFS quest tables that are PSA in that they are reserved for families with kids.

The Starfinder quests are already designed to teach and show off Starfinder, right?


I'm really glad I found this thread! I just sent an e-mail to asking if there were still any DM volunteer spots left, as i was kind of bummed about there not being any of the games open at this time. I already have an attendee badge and room and travel so it isn't terribly concerning to me to miss out on the awards, I'm just super excited about Starfinder and I enjoy DMing my home pathfinder campaigns just as much as I enjoy playing. I haven't DM'd for the society yet, though. Anyway, it is good to know that they are still looking for volunteers, I wouldn't mind doing a mix of PFS and Starfinder, even. Guess I'll go ahead and fill out the questionnaire!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

TheAndyman wrote:
I haven't DM'd for the society yet...

Make sure to get a PFS number as you will need it when reporting games that you run for PFS or SFS.

Dark Archive 4/5

Am hoping that we may soon be hearing good news for starfinder openings, and maybe 8-25 8-)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

TheAndyman wrote:
I'm really glad I found this thread! I just sent an e-mail to asking if there were still any DM volunteer spots left, as i was kind of bummed about there not being any of the games open at this time. I already have an attendee badge and room and travel so it isn't terribly concerning to me to miss out on the awards, I'm just super excited about Starfinder and I enjoy DMing my home pathfinder campaigns just as much as I enjoy playing. I haven't DM'd for the society yet, though. Anyway, it is good to know that they are still looking for volunteers, I wouldn't mind doing a mix of PFS and Starfinder, even. Guess I'll go ahead and fill out the questionnaire!

For the most rapid response you should send you gen con emails to [[/email]. And yes, filling out the questionnaire is required so might as well do that regardless of the email. Thx

Dark Archive 4/5

Nope, the sky is falling Bob. 8) that's the only answer that will satisfy me. 8)

Humor on a Super Hot Sunday here is all.

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