Is there an Ignore function?

Website Feedback

Is there a function on these boards for making it so you can't see the posters of specific posters?

That would be great, but no, there is not an ignore function at present. The best one can do is hide threads, but not posters.

Project Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.

There's a (not made or endorsed by Paizo) Chrome extension called Paizo Campaign Tools that allows you to gray out or collapse posts by selected users.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jessica Price wrote:
There's a (not made or endorsed by Paizo) Chrome extension called Paizo Campaign Tools that allows you to gray out or collapse posts by selected users.

Chrome and Firefox, even. :)

(Thanks, Jessica!)

Oladon wrote:
Jessica Price wrote:
There's a (not made or endorsed by Paizo) Chrome extension called Paizo Campaign Tools that allows you to gray out or collapse posts by selected users.

Chrome and Firefox, even. :)

(Thanks, Jessica!)

That works. Thanks!

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