Vencarlo Orisini stats? (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

Curse of the Crimson Throne

I'm running CotCT for the first time and I've got a minor issue. Apparently I've got a blind spot in my Google fu. I can't find stats for Vencarlo anywhere.

I assume there's a stat block on him somewhere but I can't find it for the life of me.

I saw a post where JJ wrote that he was definitely a vigilante under the rewrite but I haven't found even a definition of how many levels of vigilante he would have.

I'm just looking for any stat block on him for either the old or new build. Thanks guys!

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Page 462 of the CotCT Hardcover edition.

He's a

Vigilante 10 with the Stalker specialization


Thanks! I only have the old version pdf. I've been considering upgrading to the new version but wasn't sure if it'd be worth it.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

In the original adventures, you can find his statblock on page 56 of Part 3, Escape From Old Korvosa. It's a D&D v.3.5 statblock, of course.

Ah! There's that rascal. Thanks! I'm surprised there isn't a copy of either of them in an online reference somewhere.

Are the ability scores the same version to version?

No, because humans didn't have a racial stat bonus in 3.5. You'll want to pick a stat to give him +2 in.

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