Spell-Less Ranger / Druid Multiclass


Hi! I am building a level 10 character to replace one of my fallen characters in Rappan Athuk. The character is 9 levels of Spell-Less Ranger and 1 Level of Pack Lord/Menhir Savant Druid. I want to make sure I am doing everything right, and I would love some input. By my calculations I should have 3 Wolf animal companions. One from Druid, 2 from Ranger with the extra companion talent. Druid and Ranger levels stack for the purposes of determining the level of animal companions according to the Druid Class rules. If anyone with a stronger grasp of Pathfinder than me could take a look and tell me your thoughts, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Spell-Less Ranger 9, Pack Lord/Menhir Savant Druid 1

At will Detect Undead, Outsiders, Fey, Incorporeal, Etherial, or Astral creatures.
60 Ft Cone.
Round 1, Presence of Aura.
Round 2, # of Auras/Strength of Strongest.(Stunned if creature's HD are twice # of my HD)
Round 3, Strength and location of each aura.
1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks

Neutral Good

Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
Deft Hands (+1 Disable Device{Class Skill})

16+2 (Item) 18 (4)
14+2 (Item) +2 (Human) 18 (4)
14+2 (Item) 16 (3)
12 10 (1)
14 14 (2)
12 10 (1)

HP: 109

AC: 26
Touch: 16
Flat Footed: 22

Initiative: 6, 12 (Underground), 8 (Forest)

BAB: +9/+4

Attacks: 1st +14/+14/+9, 2nd +9/+9/+4
Damage: 1d4+6/15-20x2 Crit, 1d4+6/15-20x2 Crit
Favored Terrain + Flanking/Flat-Footed Enemy: +4d6

Vs Evil Outsider: Attacks: 1st +18/+18/+13, 2nd +13/+13/+9
Damage: 1d4+10/15-20x2 Crit, 1d4+10/15-20x2 Crit
Flanking/Flat-Footed Enemy: +4d6

Vs Undead: Attacks: 1st +16/+16/+11, 2nd +11/+11/+6
Damage: 1d4+8/15-20x2 Crit, 1d4+8/15-20x2 Crit
Flanking/Flat-Footed Enemy: +4d6
Fort: 8+3+2=13
Ref: 6+4+2=12
Will: 5+2+2=9

Improved Empathic Link

Human Bonus Feat- Weapon Focus (Kukri)
(Ranger)Level 1 - Precise Strike
(Druid) Level 1 - Two-weapon Fighting
(Ranger)Level 2 - Double Slice
(Ranger)Level 3 - Endurance
(Ranger)Level 3 - Diehard
(Ranger)Level 5 - Two-Weapon Defense
(Ranger)Level 6 - Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
(Ranger)Level 7 - Blades Above and Below
(Ranger)Level 9 - Improved Critical (Kukri)

Favored Enemy: +4 (Evil Outsider),+2 (Undead)
Favored Terrain: +6 (Underground/Dungeon), +2 (Forest)

Level 4 - Additional Companion
Level 7 - Improved Stealth Attack
Level 9 - Combat Trick (Critical Focus)

+2 Mithril Agile Breast Plate
Belt of Physical Perfection +2 (Str/Dex/Con)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Cloak of Resistance +2
2 x +2 Kukri
Ring of Sustenance
Ring of Protection +2
Boots of Friendly Terrain (Underground)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds

Wolf Level 10

HP: 90

Str: 24
Dex: 16
Con: 20
Int: 3
Wis: 12
Cha: 6

BAB: 6

Fort: 11
Ref: 9
Will: 4 (Devotion) +4 vs Enchantments

AC: 27
Flat Footed: 20
Touch: 13

1st Power Attack: +11 (2d6+16)
Flanking: +13 (3d6+16)
Evil Outsiders: +17 (3d6+20)
Undead: +15 (3d6+18)
2nd Power Attack: +6 (2d6+16)
Flanking: +8 (3d6+16)
Evil Outsiders: +12 (3d6+20)
Undead: +10 (3d6+18)

Level 1: Armor Proficiency (Light)
Level 2: Power Attack
Level 5: Precise Strike
Level 8: Improved Natural Attack
Level 10: Blades Above and Below

Chain Shirt Barding: +4 Armor Bonus

Ability Mod Ranks Trained Bonus AC Penalty
Acrobatics: 7 3 3 3 -2
Perception: 7 1 3 3
Stealth: 7 3 3 3 -2

Level 10 Totem Guide Wolf

HP 90

Str: 24
Dex: 16
Con: 20
Int: 3
Wis: 12
Cha: 6

BAB: 6

Fort: 11
Ref: 9
Will: 4

AC: 27
Flat Footed: 20
Touch: 13

1st Power Attack (Magic/Silver): +11 (2d6+16)
Flanking: +13 (3d6+16)
Flanking Evil Outsiders: +17 (3d6+20)
Flanking Undead: +15 (3d6+18)

Spell-Like Ability:
Guidance at will. Full-Round Action

Beast Speak:
Can speak to master and other animals of it's kind

Level 1: Armor Proficiency (Light)
Level 2: Power Attack
Level 5: Precise Strike
Level 8: Improved Natural Attack
Level 9: Eldritch Claws
Level 10: Blades Above and Below

Chain Shirt Barding: +4 Armor Bonus

Ability Mod Ranks Trained Bonus AC Penalty
Acrobatics: 7 3 3 3 -2
Perception: 7 1 3 3
Stealth: 7 3 3 3 -2

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