Any magical gear that makes Concentration more difficult?

Rules Questions

Let's say I have a Fighter with the Disruptive feat adjacent to a caster, making his concentration checks to cast more difficult - any way to enhance those difficulties through magic items?

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Whack them with something distracting or greater distracting.

If you're evil (or at least nongood) wield a screaming blade and f-ck up everyone in 60'.

Use a bottled scream (one-shot) or chime of interruption (reusable).

Some of those just force concentration checks that otherwise wouldn't happen, some increase the difficulty of the concentration checks they'd have to make anyway. Either should make a Disrupter happy.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:

Whack them with something distracting or greater distracting.

If you're evil (or at least nongood) wield a screaming blade and f-ck up everyone in 60'.

Use a bottled scream (one-shot) or chime of interruption (reusable).

Some of those just force concentration checks that otherwise wouldn't happen, some increase the difficulty of the concentration checks they'd have to make anyway. Either should make a Disrupter happy.

That's very helpful - thank you.

Is there any magical gear that makes Concentration easier?

Spellguard Bracers and Gloves of Elvenkind boost concentration to cast defensively.

Stat boosting headband for casting stat

Orange prism ioun stone gives +1 caster level

Dr Styx wrote:

Is there any magical gear that makes Concentration easier?

Hmm, I'd thought there were a bunch of things but all I'm finding (here) are Spellguard Bracers for a small boost, and Fortunate Charm and Hivebrain Symbiote for rerolls.

Oh, d20pfsrd finds more. Guess there's a reason the AoN search engine is labeled as still in beta. But beware---some of the d20pfsrd results are 3pp.

EDIT: The difference is that d20pfsrd, using Google, finds things that say "concentration checks" when you search on "concentration check" and AoN doesn't.

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