Familiar Archetypes and Swarm mongers - Gen Help

Rules Questions

So I was looking at Familiar Archetypes Illusion Greater— (Su) and the the Swarm Monger (Druid Arch) ability of Fecund Familiar. Does the phantom swarm from Phantom Swarm get the attack or does the "Normal" Familiar get the swarm attack? can this stack with Fecund Familiar swarm damage?

Im returning the pathfinder atfer about 2 years and I want to build a Tengu who specializes in summoning swarms of ravens so think alfred hitchcock's the birds meets the pied piper.

So far I was thinking Eldritch Guardian/Swarm Monger with a familiar the has the Archetype Mauler or School Illusion. The Eldritch Guardian so we can share feats and the Swarm Monger for... well the swarm. I wanted to stay away from evil builds and be more of a guardian type char for role playing.Any help or input would be greatly appreciated.

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