Little Red Goblin Games |

"Sneaking through the tall grass you happen to spy a ruggedly handsome man, perhaps a bit too tall as his torso is clearly visible above the stalks of grass, with wild black hair and a feral beauty about him. As you draw closer, letting your presence be known you are greeted by another set of hands, far too low for a man. When you get a full view of him you realized it a creature comprised of 50% human and... well, another 50% human. Oddly, though these numbers add up to 100% human, it falls short (or perhaps is in excess...) of what the term “human” normally implies."
Yes, we are gloriously releasing the "mantuar" this week. A mantaur is what happens if you shove the torso of a man on the headless body of a woman or vice versa. The androgynous mantuar are a racial offshoot of humanity with some unique racial traits.
The book's short, cheap, and has 2 magnificent piece of artwork by Rui Ferreira and we hope you enjoy it when it comes out later this week.

Little Red Goblin Games |

I'm pretty sure this is the original mantaur.
He tis a legend, it's true.
Now up on DriveThruRPG and coming soon to Paizo.com!

Purple Duck Games |
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We used the name dhosari for this type of design.

Little Red Goblin Games |

We used the name dhosari for this type of design.
Very cool! Great minds and all that jazz.
Looks like their lore's a bit different and the mantaur is always of both genders (one part is male, one is female).