Advice for playing with a party of scavengers.


I'm starting up a campaign with a group of comrades as the GM, but one of the main things I've been having trouble finding a way of sorting out is scavenging and dismantling gear for spare parts and scraps to be used elsewhere. How do you guys typically handle situations like this or what do you think might work? Like say my group decides to take apart things like weapons, armor, or guns to recycle the material for other things. In this campaign there is a heavy emphasis on scavenging through what you find for supplies and other material to make more useful things. Do you convert the material into a value equivalent to gold in terms of paying for other equipment crafting costs? Is there some pre established system I missed for this kind of thing? I'd appreciate some advice.

Flagging to move to the Advice forum - you'll probably get a lot more help there.

There's not a lot of existing rules in place for this. Tables do exist for the value of some materials as trade goods (scroll down a bit to see metals and the like), which might give you some guidelines. Weapons and armor have their weights listed, which may give you some idea of the amount of material in them. There are also rules for piecemeal armor, taking bits and pieces from different armor sets. Other than that, you may be mostly on your own.

Well thanks anyways for at least giving me that much. I'll probably try and throw something together logistically with what you've given me. Thanks a bunch.

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